| 08.09.2016

Hanken publishes guidelines for open research

Openness is one of the key principles in science and research. Hanken has now published guidelines for open research.

Openness is one of the key principles in science and research. Hanken has now published guidelines for open research.

In line with an EU-level decision on open research, Hanken School of Economics has now published guidelines and recommendations for how Hanken researchers can promote openness in their research. These guidelines are in accordance with Hanken’s profile as a research-based, international business school that promotes openness, social responsibility, integrity and high quality in all its activities.

- Since Hanken is largely state funded, it is only reasonable that the public gets access to our research results, says Dean of Research Timo Korkeamäki. Through increased openness, our researchers can get more feedback from the non-academic community, which in turn can create new research ideas, particularly such of societal interest.

Assistant professor Mikael Laakso states that the EU has worked intensively to facilitate open science within its member countries. Last summer a key decision was made to achieve full open access to all published scientific articles in all member countries by the year 2020.

- Hanken has now taken the important step in making its research more visible and accessible to anyone, which benefits both academics all over the world as well as society at large, says Laakso.

The most evident forms of open research are open publishing of research results (Open Access), open research data (Open Data) and open research methods (e.g. Open Source). Open research promotes the societal impact of science and research, as well as creating new forms of collaboration and innovations.

More information:

Timo Korkeamäki
Dean of Research
040 352 1308

Read more about the guidelines here »