| 29.08.2024

Hanken awarded research funding to collaborate with logistics companies on circular economy

Hand som håller i en grön boll med symbolen för cirkulär ekonomi
Hanken School of Economics has been granted over 200,000 EUR by The Finnish Research Impact Foundation (FRIF) for a research project that will involve logistics companies in the development of circular economy business models.

The circular economy is a way to conserve resources, reduce emissions and create sustainable growth. The project, which focuses on experimenting with circular economy business models, is being carried out with customers and partner companies in co-operation with Posti. 

“Logistics companies play a key role in the circular economy as their supply chains and business models offer opportunities to extend the life cycle of products”, says Hanken’s associate professor Anna Aminoff, who is leading the research project.

Porträttbild av Anna Aminoff och Helleke Heikkinen
Anna Aminoff and Helleke Heikkinen.

The project uses a design science research methodology, the results of which can be directly applied in companies' strategy development. According to project researcher Helleke Heikkinen, the main objective of the project is to interact with the day-to-day business development of Posti Ventures, enabling research in connection with the testing and development of different business models. 

“The idea is to create value not only for research but also for logistics companies so that Finland can be a pioneer in the circular economy. We can also learn from failures and utilise relevant and up-to-date data from a real market environment”, says Heikkinen.

The project Sustainable Innovation for Growth: Exploring circular business models for a logistics service provider runs from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2026

Read more about the funding:
The FRIF grants 1,5 million euros to support research impact and launches new funding