| 18.06.2024

Blog: What do humans lose when we let AI decide?

AI has been a hype since important advances were made in machine-learning, huge data sets became available, and speed of computing power steeped up. In a blog post, Professor Frank den Hond explores the question: What do humans lose when we let AI decide.

“AI systems, whether of the machine-learning or the generative kind, have found many useful applications, but their use is also associated with numerous scandals and undesired outcomes. Anybody who has kept themselves informed will be able to list several examples. My fascination with AI stems from the question why so many people are so uncritically enthusiastic about AI – viewing it with rose-tinted glasses, emphasizing all the benefits and future possibilities – despite the numerous scandals and undesired outcomes. How come?”

Read the whole blog post:
What do humans lose when we let AI decide?