| 09.09.2024

Alumni interview with Filip and Erik Riska: “Success in studies has given more energy in the hockey rink”

Erik och Filip Riska står och håller om varandra och tittar mot kameran.
There are many similarities in the lives of Hanken alumni Filip and Erik Riska: the brothers both studied commercial law at Hanken in Vaasa, they have a degree in teaching, both have had successful hockey careers, and they even prefer to spend their free time together.

It was older brother Filip who persuaded younger brother Erik to start studying at Hanken. At first Erik said he didn't have time, but when Filip pointed out that he would regret it later when his brother had a degree, Erik couldn't say no.

“We have never regretted that we started at Hanken. Sure, it was tough at times, but now in retrospect we are both very happy with our decision”, says Filip. The brothers graduated in 2022.

In addition to having studied for both a Master of Education and a Master of Economics degree, the Riska brothers have been successful professional hockey players. Filip has won three gold medals with JYP and HPK in the Finnish Hockey League, and he also played for Rauman Lukko and Vaasan Sport, among others. Erik has played his entire career in Vaasan Sport and won the Championship series Mestis, among other things. Erik ended his hockey career this year, Filip in 2022. 

The Riska brothers chose Hanken after the teacher training programme at Åbo Akademi because they wanted to broaden their knowledge. Both agree that balancing studies with hockey has been doable, but it took a great deal of discipline.

“Playing hockey for a team in Vaasa involves long bus journeys and it would have felt silly to spend all your time on Netflix and such. Even though I've had small children at home, I've still managed to study thanks to the bus rides. Studying has never been at the expense of ice hockey, on the contrary, success in my studies has given more energy in the hockey rink”, says Erik. 

“And vice versa, says Filip. “Sometimes, when hockey hasn’t gone well, focusing on my studies has been a good distraction. After losing a match, diving into the studies has helped shift my mind to other things, at least for a while.”

The brothers are particularly grateful to the teaching staff at Hanken and say that they have been very understanding of their situation.

“A tip for students who are involved in sports or something else that makes the study pace a little different: it’s always possible to discuss with the teachers. Everyone has the same goal that the students should pass the courses, so it usually works out somehow”, says Filip.

At the moment Erik works at Vaasan Sport with sales while Filip works at LocalTapiola on the corporate side. They both say that Hanken has provided a very good foundation for their professional life. 

“There is a lot of theory at Hanken, but you quickly learn to apply it at work. For example, I have benefited greatly from corporate and contract law in my current job”, says Filip.

Erik says that he has also drawn advantages from the structure of being a student in his job.

“As a hockey player, others tell you what to do, but in working life it's freer, as long as the job gets done. So, it has been good to have the discipline from the study world.”

In addition to being with their families, the Riska brothers enjoy spending their free time together. They are currently training for their first marathon.

“We’re lucky to share similar hobbies. There is always a mate to do something with. Whether it's running, padel, football or boating,” says Erik.

Text: Jessica Gustafsson
Photo: Private

In this article series, we interview Hanken alumni. Do you know someone you think we should interview? Or do you want to volunteer yourself? Email us with tips at alumni@hanken.fi.