Mikko Vesa
Latest publications
2024,pp. 79-108.
2024,Organization Theory,vol. 5,no. 3,pp. 1-20.
2023,pp. 1900-1909.
Mikko Vesa is an Associate Professor (tenured) of management studies at the Department of Management and Organization, Hanken School of Economics and an Adjunct Professor of Strategic Gamification at the University of Lapland. He has 15 years of experience in researching games, the gaming industry and gamification in the subject of business management and is a recognized authority in the field. He also publishes and reviews on the areas of open strategy, strategy as practice, artificial intelligence, technological change and ethnographic methods. His research has been published in leading international outlets such as e.g., Academy of Management Review, Organization Studies, Organization, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Ethics and Strategic Organization. He recently published the edited volume Organizational Gamification: Theoies and Practice of Ludified Work in Late Modernity that is the first to addresses gamification from a management and organization studies perspective. He is the Hanken Teacher of the Year for 2017.