Hanken as an employer
Hanken as an employer
Hanken is a fair and responsible employer. We highly value equal opportunities and the well-being of our academic and administrative staff. In our human resource management and development, we work by the Nordic values, equality, openness and integrity.
We support the competence development of all personnel. Academic leadership, characterized by open two-way communication, is one of the key factors, when encouraging initiatives and supporting job performance of our staff. The goal is to provide our employees with the best possible prerequisites so preform at work as well as finding a good work life balance.
We continuously develop our recruitment processes to be competitive and attract top talents to our teams. Hanken aims at having an international faculty without compromising the national responsibility to educate business graduates fluent in Swedish.
Hanken supports sustainability and participation in all activities and in the society.
Hanken - a top university
Hanken is an expert organization. Only 1% of the world's business schools have the three most reputable accreditations EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA. Hanken is one of them. Hanken is also ranked in Financial Times Masters in Management (MiM) ranking and in U-Multirank. Read more on the topic here.
Our strategy for 2030 emphasises high-quality research and education, internationalisation, strong business contacts and sustainability. Through a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach, Hanken researchers create new knowledge and new patterns of action for economic, social and environmental sustainability. Read more about our strategy here.
The researchers at Hanken are qualified and at Hanken, we conduct basic, applied and contract research. We increasingly work in cross-disciplinary project groups with both national and international academic colleagues and collaborate closely with business life. More information about the research at Hanken, as for example areas of strength in research and publications, can be found here.
Hanken - an international University
Hanken is a multicultural organization. From a national perspective, Hanken is a leader in the internationalisation of its operations.
Hanken actively participates in national and international alliances and networks that support the development of the university, which strengthens research, education and support functions. In addition, Hanken researchers actively participate in international research networks and a significant proportion of Hanken's publications are international co-publications. Read more about our international networks here.
At Hanken we actively work to integrate international teachers, researchers and students in Finland. Information about e.g., taxes, salaries and certificates are administrated by our HR department and projects like HEI LIFE support the integration of international academics, staff and their families in Finland.
Employee benefits at Hanken
In addition to offering interesting career opportunities, at Hanken we also want to take care of the employee's well-being by offering different types of benefits:
- Occupational healthcare – Hanken offers occupational healthcare at Terveystalo with the aim of supporting the staff's occupational health and preventing incapacity for work.
- Flexible working hours - With flex times, you can adapt your working hours to your own needs and everyday life.
- Family-friendly culture- Flexible working hours, flexible holidays, the possibility of working at home and part-time work provide the conditions for a unique opportunity to combine one’s private life with work.
- ePassi - You choose how you spend the amount loaded to your ePassi account! The staff benefit includes payment possibilities at various service providers in sports, culture, commuting and well-being.
- UniSport - All Hanken employees can purchase UniSport's gym membership at a more affordable price.
- Employee events – Every now and then, various programs are arranged for all Hanken employees. Especially the relaxed After work events have been a great success.
- Follow-up on well-being and engagement - By continuously monitoring well-being and engagement through work climate surveys and pulse requests, we make sure to constantly develop the business in accordance with the well-being of the employees.
- Annual development talks - communicate the need for support and training to your manager as well as an opportunity for the manager to highlight various aspects of the work that affect both the employee and the collaboration within the unit.
- Education and support - At Hanken level, training and support are arranged in different sub-areas such as the use of different work tools and digitalization. Administrative and support staff are encouraged to participate in training courses, seminars and conferences that are useful for the employee's tasks and skills development. For teachers and researchers, the work plan shall reserve time for competence development in the form of pedagogical training, conferences and other meritorious activities.
One Hanken, two cities
Hanken operates at two locations in Finland: in the capital Helsinki, which offers an exciting combination of high-tech, design and nature, and in Vaasa, which represents a centre of the entrepreneurial atmosphere and the energy cluster of the region. Our motto is that we are one entity operating on two locations. You can read more here.
Are you thinking about moving to Finland? Here you can read more about what Helsinki and Vasa have to offer!
Our Co-workers
What is it really like to work at Hanken? Find out here by reading what our co-workers have said about working with us.

Our department is quite small, but I really like the environment. There is a lot of laughter in the corridor and it is very lively, it seems that people really enjoy working here. Even though I am not a native Swedish speaker by my background, I have a strong feeling that I’m welcome into this society and that I am a family member in this community. The language is not an issue, people here are very liberal and open.
Hanna is an Associate Professor in Accounting at Hanken. Her research areas are sustainability aspects of accounting

I find it fascinating how easy it is to get in touch with companies via Hanken or through Hanken’s network. It is useful for my research, but also for my teaching. It is easy to get to the CEO level just by writing an e-mail and saying, “Hey, I’m this guy from Hanken”, and I find it impressive how strong the Hanken brand is.
Robert is an Assistant Professor in Marketing at Hanken. His research areas are marketing, digital marketing and particularly service innovation.

“For me it is a huge advantage that my office is in the Economicum building. The people here are working with exactly the same or similar things as I am. It’s easy to go and talk to researchers at the University of Helsinki or the VATT Institute for Economic Research . It is nice that there are so many experts in this same building, and it feels easy to go and talk to someone or to have lunch together.
Cecilia is a doctoral student in Economics at Hanken. Her research area is women’s position on the labour market,

My days at work are quite different depending on the day. On a really good day I get a lot of positive e-mails and perhaps we have got a new partner company. Hanken is in the heart of the city, so I like that I can bike to work and the environment here is beautiful. I also value the flexibility in my work
Nikoline is Hanken's Corporate Relations Manager and functions as the contact person for Hanken’s partner companies.

I chose the doctoral programme at Hanken because I found a study that ranked Hanken as top fifth on research in the whole world. I also found a survey from the Finnish Union of University Professors, saying that the most satisfied and happy professors in Finland work at Hanken. I figured that if the professors enjoy their work and feel that everything is well, the place must be good for other staff, too.
Jukka Kettunen is a Doctoral student in Accounting. His research focuses on profitability and growth, corporate governance and on corporate social responsibility in private firms.