Shibboleth and Haka

HAKA - federation and Shibboleth
Hanken and all other higher education institutions in Finland are members of the HAKA federation, which allows the same user ID and password to be used to log into many research and teaching services in Finland.
We as the home organization manage and guarantee user-IDs, passwords and the rights to these, for our students, employees and associates. We guarantee to the rest of the members of the federation that we verify the identity (ie, the username has been given to a certain identified person) and that we provide Shibboleth / Haka user rights only for those who should have it.
For the Haka-federation, Hanken must have a generally legible document describing user management and how the data in the user database is updated.
System that utilizes Shibboleth at login
1. All HAKA services
Services that one or more Haka-member provides us and the higher education institution-socity that we log in to via Shibboleth:
- Hanna andFinna
- Eduuni
- Webropol
- Mobility Online
- Rondo
- M2
- Adobe connect
- Joopas
- Funet FileSender
- Oili
- Moodle via HU, Metropolia, TTY, VY,
- ... and many more - You can find ALL Haka-services here:
2. Hanken's internal services
Some of Hanken's internal services:
- Hanken's web
- Hanken's Moodle
- Schema/Peppi
- Proxy
- Exam
- Hanken Support Foundations application system
- Request tracker RT/helpdesk
- Forma/E-lomake
- Reportronic/Halli
- Haris
- Personec ESS
- Recruitment database Laura
Classification of users according to HAKA
The following table explains how different groups of users are classified according to the HAKA federation, ie what role / roles you as a user will have.
Both Hanken and third party service providers can base the rights to their services on the basis of these roles (student, member, employee ...).