| 12.06.2024

The recipients of the Stefan Larsson ”Dare to Dream” scholarship have been chosen

Aileen Ahlskog och Anna Hägerström utanför Hanken.
The Hanken alumnus Stefan Larsson’s first ever “Dare to Dream” scholarship has been awarded to Hanken students Anna Hägerström and Aileen Ahlskog. The students will have Stefan Larsson, CEO of PVH Corp., as a mentor for one year and get to visit him for a week in New York.

27 students applied for the scholarship, which is granted to a Hanken student who is currently pursuing master studies and aims to graduate in 2025. The scholarship was intended for just one student, but the quality of applicants was so high that Larsson decided to award it to two merited Hanken students.

Both scholarship recipients are eagerly anticipating the upcoming year.

“I applied for the scholarship to pursue my dream of working at the highest levels of the fashion industry. Women are a minority in leadership roles in the industry, but my goal is to become one of them. My vision is to put Finnish fashion on the world map, inspired by countries such as Sweden and Denmark, which have succeeded in creating several globally established fashion brands," says Aileen Ahlskog.

She adds that she is very grateful to have been awarded the scholarship. 

"It's a true honor and a unique opportunity to grow and achieve my dream. I look forward to the upcoming mentoring sessions with Stefan and the New York visit. It feels great to share the experience with Anna!”

Anna Hägerström is also very happy to be the recipient of the scholarship. 

”It feels like a fantastic opportunity to have Stefan as my mentor and to spend a whole week with him and Aileen in New York. The mentorship will give me invaluable guidance for my career and certainly also for many other situations in life. To get a firsthand insight into the fashion industry from someone as experienced as Stefan will be a unique experience that most can only dream of. This is the main reason I decided to apply for the scholarship – an opportunity like this you do not get many times in your life”, Anna Hägerström says. 

Stefan Larsson credits his multiple mentors throughout his career for inspiring him to dream, helping him to see what is possible, and advising him on key career decisions. He believes that mentorship plays a crucial role in building your dream and unlocking your full potential.

“I was delighted to receive so many high-quality applications and to see the effort and thought that had gone into each one. In a way I felt that everyone deserved a scholarship, but in the end, I had to make a choice. I ended up giving it to two well-deserved and equally strong candidates. Aileen and Anna not only met the formal qualifications but also had a very strong articulation of how the scholarship would help them on their journey towards reaching their dreams, and make the most of the opportunity”, says Stefan Larsson. 

“I am very much looking forward to the year ahead and hope that I can support the students in making the right choices for their career and encourage them in pursuing their dreams.”

The Stefan Larsson “Dare to dream” scholarship includes:

  • Personal mentorship through monthly mentorship calls with Stefan Larsson, CEO of PVH Corp. (owner of Calvin Klein and TOMMY HILFIGER) between August 2024 and June 2025.
  • A week in New York, joining Stefan Larsson to directly experience the day-to-day role of a CEO for a global fashion group. Throughout the week, the scholarship recipients will have the opportunity to meet and learn from other global business leaders in a variety of consumer facing leadership roles.
  • Travel and hotel expenses.