Hanken students feel good and like their studies

The survey looked at, for example, whether students were satisfied with the teaching during the autumn semester, how they perceive their stress level and whether they have sufficient social interaction or feel lonely.
The survey shows very good results in terms of student satisfaction with teaching and progress in their studies. Most students do not feel that studying would increase their stress levels but compared to last year we see a slight increase in the feeling of loneliness, especially among students at Bachelor level.
- The differences compared to the results from last year are very small, but positive, except when it comes to the question of perceived loneliness. It is good to hear that the majority of Hanken students today continue to feel good and enjoy their studies. The decline in student well-being that we saw during the pandemic is not visible anymore in the results today. I am very pleased that we have been able to offer a wide range of well-being services for those who need them and that students have found their way back to the classrooms and the campus community again,’ says Linda Gerkman, Director of Education and Digital Services.
Here you can find the results of the wellbeing survey:
Hanken offers study counselling, the possibility to book an appointment with a study coach, guidance on exchange studies, career services, a study psychologist and study chaplains to support students' well-being. Psychotherapy counselling is also available.
More information and contact details for the various student well-being services can be found on the Study Services page.
Since 2018, there is a well-being working group to coordinate work on student well-being and welfare.
The members of the Student Well-being Group for 2025 are:
SHS Responsible for Social Affairs and Equality, Kaisa Rantonen (chair)
an optional representative of SSHV (secretary)
Study Affairs Coordinator Daniela Smeds
Study Affairs Coordinator Hanna Sipiläinen
Dean of Education Mika Gabrielsson
Head of Study Services Jennie Bertula
Study Coach Alexandra Ohls
Study Psychologist
the Student Chaplains in Helsinki and Vaasa
Since 2020, Hanken has been monitoring the well-being of its students through a short SMS survey conducted by Annie Advisor. A total of 579 bachelor's and master's students responded to the survey this time (23.8%). The well-being of doctoral students is monitored separately.