| 28.10.2016

Courses in Office365, Yammer, Skype, Onedrive, Outlook, OneNote...

In November and December we will offer courses in Office365, Office2016 and Windows 10

Nearly everybody in the staff now have their e-mail in Office365 and also have Office2016 installed on their computer. As this opens up many new possibilities to work, cooperate and share information we offer


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Microsoft courses in November and December. Many features are new as you can work in the cloud as well as locally. If you do not have Office2016, please contact help@hanken.fi. Office2016 is not compulsory, but most efficient use of office365 in the cloud you get  together with Office2016 locally. 


Office365 is much more than just e-mail -

  • OneDrive for files in the cloud,
  • Yammer for discussions in groups,
  • Skype for video meetings, chat etc,
  • OneNote for notes and
  • cloud versions of Word, Excel och Powerpoint, meaning some editing can be done onlien although you do not have Word, Excel and Powerpoint installed on the computer. Or you can even work from your phone.

All this gives new possibilities to work both within research, teaching and administration, as all students, and nearly all staff have the same tools available.

All computers in the teaching rooms, and all new computers have Windows 10 as the operating system. Therefore a short intro to Windows 10 is included in the first course. otherwise the course is a introduction to Office365 and the availabe programs and how Office2016 works.

To register, click on the grey registration box above.

Course days are seen below (sorry, in Swenglish only)




Office365 och Office2016 kurser på Hanken



Boris Isaksson from Tieturi will be the teacher.

If you have questions, contact help@hanken.fi