| 02.09.2024

Anders Wall Scholarship of 200 000 SEK now open for applications

Are you an active Hanken student who engages in various projects or entrepreneurship? Then apply for the Anders Wall scholarship of 200 000 SEK by 28 October 2024!

The scholarship is one of the largest given to a student at Hanken School of Economics and is granted to a Hanken student who shows entrepreneurial skills. The scholarship aims at encouraging young ambitious people to develop their entrepreneurship. At the same time you become a member of the prestigious Wallumni network.

Who can apply? All bachelor and master students at Hanken registered as present. Please submit your application by filling out this form no later than 28 October 2024.

An application workshop will be organised virtually 1 October at 4 pm. Register for the workshop by sending an email to william@vonderpahlen.com. More information on the Foundation can be found at www.wallstiftelsen.se.