RO #4

Wednesday 28th of April 2021, online (all times EEST (UTC +3))
Responsible Organising (RO), corresponds to a field of transformative research for a sustainable future - as expressed in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - and with multi-disciplinarity and collaboration at its core. Since 2017, the Responsible Organising Stakeholder Conference has gathered around 70+ experts and 700+ participants representing all stakeholder groups ranging from business actors, representatives of civil society, students, alumni, and to the general public in order to bring science closer to the world.
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The 4th Responsible Organising stakeholder conference asks how we can achieve more sustainable societies in three ways:
1) Re-imagining Science
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has shown that science can lead, and that science-based decision making is not necessarily slow and rigid. Throughout the conference stakeholders will be exposed to innovative, transformative, and multi-disciplinary research that focuses on societal change, inequality, and transformations
2) Re-organising Access
The pandemic has also demonstrated the necessity to re-imagine how people organise and work. This includes both conference attendance and organisation. One of the conference’s objectives is to re-organise and re-imagine what ‘access’ means for the conference through access/voice.
3) Re-building Together
The conference is organised by grounding science clearly in practice and creating a constant flow of ideas between practitioners and academia. The audience will be able to actively contribute and coproduce reimaginations in a number of thought-provoking workshops facilitated by practitioners and researchers, as well as in more traditional conference format asking questions to the researchers and practitioners.
Key Dialogue 1: Reimagining the Futures of Work
(EEST 9.15-10.30, UTC+3) In this keynote panel we wish to push the visions for what work in the future will look like - what will workers do in an automated future?
In the panel and with the help of a diverse set of speakers we try to untangle the interrelations between questions and critiques of automation, AI, the gig economy and universal basic income - are these the limits of our imagination or can we see something beyond those horizons? To discuss these questions we have Aaron Benanav, author of the book 'Automation and the Future of Work' (Verso 2020); Signe Jauhiainen, senior researcher at KELA; and Maija Mattila, researcher at Kalevi Sorsa Säätiö. The panel is moderated by associate professor Mikko Vesa from Hanken.
Key Dialogue 2: Reorganising Access and Voice in Curricula and Business
Key Dialogue 2: Reorganising Access and Voice in Curricula and Business , (EEST 10.30-11.45, UTC+3)
In this keynote panel, following the theme of the conference "Re-imagine/re-organise/re-build!", we turn our focus to the knowledge production in and around the business school. Colonialism might seem a distant question for many especially in Northern Europe - yet in our teaching and research we reproduce anglophone readings of development and (colonial) histories, often in an uncritical manner. And at the same time Finnish companies are part of an ongoing global 'land rush' purchasing land in South America and Africa, for example in forestry of wood and fibre and/or for carbon sequestration, often situated in contexts with painful colonial pasts (and present). What colonial and neo-colonial dependencies are we reproducing and what would happen to business practice if we break with these dependencies and start 'decolonizing' our ways of knowing? To discuss these questions we are delighted to have prof. Stella Nkomo (University of Pretoria, South Africa ), prof. Juha Suoranta (Tampere University, Finland), and assistant professor Sergio Wanderley (Universidade do Grande Rio, Brazil). The panel facilitated by Associate professor Martin Fougère.
Parallel Workshops (EEST 12.30-14.00)
Parallel panels (EEST 14.15-15.15)
Program (all times EEST, UTC+3 ):
9.00-9.15 Opening of Conference
Rector Karen Spens
9.15-10.30 Key Dialogue 1: Reimagining the Futures of Work
10.30-11.45 Key Dialogue 2: Reorganising Access and Voice in Curricula and Business
11.45-12.30 BREAK
12.30-14.00 Parallel Workshops
- Anti-racist workshop
- Challenging corporate irresponsibility through culture jamming interventions
- Gender in male-dominated fields - Unwrapping and changing our gendered realities
- Hanken international talent-case workshop
14.15-15.15 Parallel Panels
- Dilemmas of diversity and inclusion work
- Macromarketing critically - The future of macro in the era of responsibility and degrowth
- Regenerating living organisations - A systems view for change
- Response to COVID-19 - Learning from humanitarian operations