Meet our Honorary Doctors!

Assembly Hall
Meet our Honorary Doctors 31.10.2024
Welcome to get to know our new Honorary Doctors who will present themselves on Thursday 31 October at 15.00 in the Assembly Hall.

Our Honorary Doctors with societal merits are Henrik Andersin, Philip Aminoff, Nicola Clase and Professor Emerita Marianne Stenius. Our Honorary Doctors with academic merits are Professor Roderick Brodie, Professor Rochelle Dreyfuss, Professor Lisa Ellram, Professor Thomas Gehrig and Professor Dean Shepherd.
You can read more about our Honorary Doctors here

During the event, the Honorary Doctors will briefly introduce themselves and talk about their careers. The Honorary Doctors with societal merits will also reflect on the importance of Hanken for Finnish society and share their thoughts on how the interaction between Hanken and society can be developed. The Honorary Doctors with academic merits will present their most important scientific contributions and reflect on what might be the main progress in their field of research during the coming years. 

After the event, sparkling wine will be served in the foyer.

The event is held in English.

We hope that as many as possible will come and meet our Honorary Doctors. Welcome! Please register for the event here