Info for conditionally admitted students

This page covers the steps you need to take in order for your admission offer to become final if your admission offer is conditional.

Is your admission offer conditional?

  • Check your personal admission package whether or not your admission offer is CONDITIONAL  in that case, the information on this page applies to you.
    • If you admission offer is final, this information does not apply to you.
  • If the admission offer is conditional, you need to fulfil the conditions by the set deadlines in order for your admission offer not to expire.

If your admission offer is only conditional because you are required to pay tuition fees, please follow the instructions sent to your e-mail since the info on this page does not apply to you.

Choose below which study option you have been admitted to in order to obtain the correct information for you!


  • You can request that the IBO International Baccalaureate Organisation delivers your grades electronically directly to Hanken School of Economics through the IBIS service no later than 11.7.2024. IB diplomas delivered through IBIS are considered officially certified. Order your IB grades to be sent to Hanken here Opens in new window .

EB-Diploma, RP/DIA-diploma, Senior Secondary school conducted outside of Finland or vocational training conducted in Åland

  • Submit your final degree certificate by the 11.7.2024 at 15.00 (Finnish time).

Deliver your officially certified copies by post to the Admissions Office at Hanken:

Hanken School of Economics
Admissions Services
Arkadiankatu 22

Note! Hanken does not return the copies. Do not send us the original documents, we accept officially certified documents.

    Senior Secondary school conducted in Sweden

    • Upload a scanned version of your final degree certificate in the application in by the 11.7.2024 kl.15.00. Your offer is conditional until we have verified your final degree certificate.


    Om du avlägger examen under våren 2024:

    • Ladda upp dina slutliga betygskopior och studieutdrag, eller länk till Min Studieinfo, senast 31.7.2024 kl.15.00 via ansökningsblanketten i 

    Om du redan är utexaminerad men blir villkorligt antagen:

    • Skicka in ditt betyg samt studieutdrag (alla sidor) som officiellt bestyrkta kopior senast 31.7.2024 kl. 15.00.

      Lämna in de officiellt bestyrka kopiorna per post till Hankens Ansökningsservice.

      Hankens Ansökningsservice
      PB 479
      00100 Helsingfors

    Notera! Hanken återlämnar inte inlämnade bilagor. Sänd oss därför inte dina ursprungliga dokument, utan enbart officiellt bestyrkta kopior.

    Är din behörighetsgivande examen avlagd utanför Finland?

    • Om din examen är avlagd utanför Finland ska du kontrollera de exakta dokumentkraven här.

    Degree obtained in Finland 

    • If the degree based on which you applied is obtained in Finland, upload your link to MyStudyinfo on your original application form and inform that you have added the link so we know to verify it.
    • If you cannot access MyStudyinfo in order to share your educational information via a link, upload your degree certificate and final transcript of records on your original application form AND deliver the educational documents as officially certified copies. Read about about the document requirements.  
    • Deadline (also listed in your admission package):
      • 23.5.2024 at 15.00 (GMT+3): Students admitted immediately when the results are published.
      • 31.7.2024 at 15.00 (GMT+3): Students who applied based on an incomplete degree and students admitted from the waiting list.

    Degree obtained outside Finland

    • If the degree based on which you applied is obtained outside Finland, you must either deliver the educational documents through a digital verification service or as officially certified copies of your educational documents (including possible official translations). Read about the document requirements. Possible additional country-specific requirements might apply.
    • If you have not graduated yet, deliver the documents only when you have graduated and upload your degree certificate and final transcript of records on your original application form.
    • Deadline (also listed in your admission package):
      • 23.5.2024 at 15.00 (GMT+3): Students admitted immediately when the results are published.
      • 31.7.2024 at 15.00 (GMT+3): Students who applied based on an incomplete degree and students admitted from the waiting list.

    Degree obtained in Finland 

    • If the degree based on which you applied is obtained in Finland, upload your link to MyStudyinfo on your original application form and inform that you have added the link so we know to verify it.
    • If you cannot access MyStudyinfo in order to share your educational information, upload your degree certificate and final transcript of records on your original application form AND deliver the educational documents either through a digital verification service or officially certified copies of your educational documents (including possible official translations). Read about about the document requirements.  

    Degree obtained outside Finland

    • If the degree based on which you applied is obtained outside Finland, you must either deliver the educational documents through a digital verification service or officially certified copies of your educational documents (including possible official translations). Read about the document requirements. Possible additional country-specific requirements might apply.
    • If you have not graduated yet, deliver the documents only when you have graduated and upload your degree certificate and final transcript of records on your original application form.