BBC film 'Aiming Higher' on social responsibility at Hanken

The goal of the Aiming Higher series is to highlight the important role of universities in transforming societies by creating prosperity and innovations. To this end, BBC StoryWorks has partnered with the International Association of Universities (IAU) and its members and produced 21 mini-documentaries that highlight the efforts of universities.
The IAU and the BBC have paid particular attention to Hanken's work within PRME Opens in new window , the principles of responsible management education, which Hanken was the first university in Finland to sign. The focus of the documentary is on the Business Lead integration programme organised by Hanken & SSE, where educated refugees and immigrants are given an opportunity to take part and find their place in the business life in Finland. It also highlights the subject of humanitarian logistics. Hanken is the only educational institution in Finland to offer Master's studies in the subject.
The mini-documentary with Hanken in focus was published on 22.11.2019.
Read more on the IAU portal on Aiming Higher Opens in new window and watch the film below.