Hanken’s Summer Podcast

7.7 Christian Grönroos
Episode 1: Customer, Company and Service
Listen to Professor Emeritus Christian Grönroos explain why companies must servicefy their offering and how to reach success with the customer at the centre.
Language: Swedish
Christian's Book recommendation: Books by Tove Jansson.
8.7 Anu Norrgrann
Episode 2: The home as a scene of consumption
Listen to researcher Anu Norrgrann talk about how the corona pandemic changed the functioning of the home.
Language: Swedish
Anu's Book recommendation: My brilliant friend by Elena Ferrante
9.7 Topi Miettinen
Episode 3: Economic models and the corona pandemic
Listen to Professor Topi Miettinen explain why consumers do not always act at their best interest.
Language: Swedish
Topi's Book recommendation: Misbehaving by Richard Thaler.
14.7 Peter Björk
Episode 4: Where is my vacation?
Listen to Professor Peter Björk talk about how we travel and spend our vacation during the Corona crisis.
Language: Swedish
Peter's Book recommendation: Knife by Jo Nesbø.
15.7 Charlotta Niemistö
Episode 5: Work life and leadership
Listen to researcher Charlotta Niemistö talk about human sustainability and work life boundaries.
Language: Swedish
Charlotta's Book recommendation: Dockorna by Katarina Wennstam. (The book is not translated to English)
16.7 Emma Nordbäck
Episode 6: Virtual workplaces
Listen to assistant professor Emma Nordbäck inspire managers and employees to work in sustainable ways.
Language: English
Emma's Book recommendation: Rest by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang.
21.7 Gyöngyi Kovács
Episode 7:Humanitarian logistics in pandemics
Listen to Professor Gyöngyi Kovács talk about trade wars, cold chains and why silence matters.
Language: English
Gyöngyi's Book recommendation: Guns by Germs and Steel, Jared Diamond and The box by Marc Levinson.
22.7 Hanna Silvola
Episode 8: Public subsidies and sustainability
Listen to Associate Professor Hanna Silvola explain why the Finnish government should create criteria for transparent sustainability data
Language: Finnish
Hanna's Book recommendation: Modern China: Financial Cooperation for Solving Sustainability Challenges by Cary Krosinsky
23.7 Sören Kock
Episode 9: Cooperation between competitors
Listen to Professor Sören Kock talk about copetition as a strategy for survival.
Language: Swedish
Sören's Book recommendation: The Routledge Companion to Coopetition Strategies by Anne-Sophie Fernandez, Paul Chiambaretto, Frédéric Le Roy och Wojciech Czakon.
28.7 Sofia Stolt
Episode 10: Texts during the Corona-spring
Listen to Sofia Stolt, University Lecturer in the Swedish language, talk about distance education, supervision and Hemmingway.
Language: Swedish
Sofia's Book recommendation: The old man and the sea by Hemingway.
29.7 Nikodemus Solitander
Episode 11: Disaster capitalism
Listen to researcher Nikodemus Solitander talk about crises, Greta Thunberg and corporate social responsibility.
Language: Swedish
Nikodemus' Book recommendation: The Broken Earth by NK Jemisin.
30.7 Annika Ravald
Episode 12: Agility, toughness and inventiveness
Listen to University Lecturer Annika Ravald talk about why proud small businesses are doing best.
Language: Swedish
Annika's Book recommendation: Morsning & goodbye by Magnus Härenstam
5.8 Torkel Tallqvist
Episode 13: Entrepreneurship within companies
Listen to Professor of Practice Torkel Tallqvist talk about the importance of innovation and a new field of study at Hanken.
Language: Swedish
Torkel's Book recommendation: Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari and Economic Transformations: General Purpose Technologies and Long Term Economic Growth by Richard G. Lipsey, Kenneth I. Carlaw and Clifford T. Bekar.
6.8 Maria Ehrnström-Fuentes
Episode 14: Food and the need for change
Listen to researcher Maria Ehrnström-Fuentes talk about how the Covid-19 pandemic can change how we relate to sustainability.
Language: English
Maria's Book recommendation: Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
7.8 Karen Spens
Episode 15: Hanken, spring and the future.
Listen to rector Karen Spens talk about how Hanken acted during the challenging spring and how she looks at the fall and the time after the corona pandemic.
Language: Swedish
Karen's Book recommendation: My story by Michelle Obama.