The Academic Council, Doctoral Studies Council and Education Council

Akademiska råden
Hanken has a Doctoral Studies Council and an Education Council. Together they form the Academic Council.

Hanken has an academic council with two sections with independent tasks: the doctoral studies council (former research council) and the education council. The members are appointed by the University collegium. The councils' tasks are set in the rules for administration sections 10, 11 and 12.

The councils' agendas and minutes are available through Dynasty's publishing portal (until 2021) Opens in new window or publishing portal (from 2022) Opens in new window .

The Councils' meetings spring 2024:

Education Council: Tuesday 5.3.2024, 16.4.2024 and 11.6.2024 at 10-12.

Doctoral Studies Council: Wednesday 17.1.2024, 28.2.2024, 3.4.2024 at 9-10 and 15.5.2024 at 9-11.

Academic Council: Tuesday 19.3.2024 at 10-12 and 28.5.2024 kl. 9-11.

The Councils' meetings autumn 2024:

Academic Council: 3.10.2024 at 10-12 and 21.11.2024 at 10-12.

Education Council: 10.9.2024 at 10-12, 5.11.2024 at 10-12 and 10.12.2024 at 10-12.

The deadline for matters is 1½ weeks before the meeting takes place and the documents should be sent via Dynasty or via email to

The Doctoral Studies Council and the Education Council will also have digital meetings primarily for the approving of theses. The Doctoral Studies Council approves Doctoral theses continuously and the Educational Council Master's theses according to this timetable.