Introduction days

Introduction days for new doctoral researchers

At the beginning of the semester, several different Introduction Days are organised for all newly admitted doctoral researchers. 

Autumn 2024 Introduction days: 

1.8 at 09:00-14:00 Welcome to Hanken and the Doctoral programme! Organised in Helsinki (room: A403, EMBA) and Vaasa (room: V106). (Mandatory attendance)

7.8 at 09:00-09:30 IT information
          09:30-11:30 External funding information
          12:30-14:00 The library provides information.
          14:00-15:30 Drop-in session Feedback on funding applications.
          Rooms: Helsinki A304 and Vasa V105

15-16.8 Introduction "camp" in Tampere (Mandatory attendance)

19.8 only Helsinki
9:00-11:00 How to write a compelling funding application(room: A405)
Helsinki and Vasa
12-14:30 Data security and communication ( room: will be updated later) Teams to Vasa

Vasa 09:00-11:30 How to write a compelling funding application ( Teams)
Helsinki 13:00-15:00 How to write a compelling funding application( room: A405)

29.8 Meeting with Amanuensis and Director (Mandatory attendance) Room: A403, EMBA and Teams to Vasa

These events are planned for our new doctoral researcher's and are excellent opportunities for new doctoral researhers to get to know each other and several members of the teaching and administrative staff.

Newly admitted doctoral researchers receive more information about the programme by email.

Introductory sessions 2022