JOO-studies at Hanken or at another university

JOO-studies: flexible study right
  • Students at other universities who want to complete studies at Hanken: If you have found a minor or single courses you would like to complete at Hanken, you can apply for a JOO study right at Hanken
  • Hanken students: If you have found a subject or a specific course that is not offered at Hanken, you can apply for the right to complete these studies at another university in Finland.

All applicants need to have completed at least 54 credits at their own university before they can start a JOO application process.

Unfortunately, the JOO process is quite complicated with several steps both at the home university and the target university. The result is often uncertain, as the number of available JOO-spots is limited.

Changes are planned regarding the national agreement on flexible study rights after the academic year 2024-25. The changes will affect both the study offering and the application process.

You can read more about applying for a JOO study right at the web pages for applying for a JOO study right.