Doctoral dissertations

Doctoral dissertations from the Department of Marketing
- Grym, Jori (2024). Judging Decisions : Essays on Moral Judgement and Ethical Decisions in the Context of Tax Morale
- Khalil, Fares (2023). Every Piece Matters – Technology and Service Integration for Individual EmpowermentOpens in new window Opens in new window
- Penttinen, Valeria (2022): Marketing in the Rise of Online Data : Dealing with the Shifts in Firm-Consumer Information Asymmetry
- Tikkanen, Hannu (2022): I Would Walk 10 000 Steps: The Role of Smart Technology Services in Responsibilisation of Consumer Well-Being
- Schauman, Sebastian (2022): Meaningfulness and the Significance of Things: An Exploration of Meaningful Consumer-Object Relations
- Sarasvuo, Sonja (2022): Coherence or diversity in corporate identity?: Varying perceptions of the company as sources for corporate branding
- Sandberg, Maria (2022): Sufficiency Transitions : Realizing Consumption Changes for Environmental Sustainability
- Rahman, Arafat, (2021): Whence the well-being of individuals?: Organizational roles of a transformative service provider in a healthcare setting
- Frig, Meri-Maaria(2021): Mediated business sustainability communication for a better world
- Lipkin , Michaela(2020): Exploring Customer Experiences with Smart Self-service: A Customer Ecosystem Approach
- Sarvikivi, Marja-Leena(2020): Reklam och marknadsföringstänkande i Finland : Varuhuset Stockmanns annonsering under 100 år
- Dube, Apramey (2020): Service Experience in Customers’ Everyday Contexts : An Investigation of Customers’ Experiences from Using Smartphone Apps
- Lindeman, Sara (2018): Early-Phase Market Organizing in Subsistence Settings
- Vuoristo, Lotta (2017): Making Sense of Customer Relationships: A Consumer Perspective
- Solja, Eeva (2017): Let Me Tell You a Story: Consumer Responses to Company-Created Brand Stories
- Laamanen, Mikko (2017): The Politics of Value Creation
Medberg, Gustav (2016): How Do Customers Perceive Value-In-Use? Empirical Insights from Bank Service Stories
- Kedzior, Richard (2014): How Digital Worlds Become Material: An Ethnographic and Netnographic Investigation in Second Life Opens in new window
- Huotari, Kai (2014): Experientializing: how C2C communication becomes part of the service experience Opens in new window
- Liewendahl, Helena (2014): What Motivates Employees to Live up to Value Promises: An Employee Discourse Opens in new window
- Diaz Ruiz, Carlos A. (2014): Market Representations in Action: Foundations for the Performativity of Representations in Marketing Opens in new window
- Hellman, Pia (2014): The Effect of Communicating E-service Benefits on Consumer E-service Adoption Opens in new window
- Kiehelä, Hanna (2014): Dimensionality of the Consumer Perceived Value of Product Colour Opens in new window
- Mickelsson, Jacob (2014): Customer Activity: A Perspective on Service Use Opens in new window
2013 and earlier
- Nyman, Henrich (2013): Service Profitability: An Augmented Customer Lifetime Value Approach Opens in new window
- Holttinen, Heli (2013): Cultural Ideals, Practices and Value Propositions in Consumer Everyday Value Creation Opens in new window
- Arantola-Hattab, Johanna (2013): Family as a customer experiencing co-created service value Opens in new window
- Viio, Paul (2011): Strategic sales process adaptation : relationship orientation of the sales process in a business-to-business context Opens in new window
- Persson, Andreas (2011): Profitable Customer Management: A Study in Retail Banking Opens in new window
- Gummerus, Johanna (2011): Customer Value in E-Service: Conceptual Foundation and Empirical Evidence Opens in new window
- Hellén, Katarina (2010): A Continuation of the Happiness Success Story: Does Happiness Impact Service Quality?
- Helkkula, Anu (2010): Service Experience in an Innovation Context
- Holma, Anne (2009): Adaptation in triadic business relationship settings: A study in corporate travel management
- Steinby,Camilla (2009): Multidimensionality of Actors in Business Networks: The Influence of Social Action in Pharmacy Networks in Finland
- Nenonen, Suvi (2009): Customer asset management in action: using customers portfolio for allocating resources across business-to-business relationships for improved shareholder value
- von Koskull, Katharina (2009): Use of Customer Information: An Ethnography in Service Development
- Höykinpuro Ritva (2009): Service firms´ action upon negative incidents in high touch services: A narrative study
- Holmqvist, Jonas (2009): Language Influence in Services Opens in new window
- Ravald, Annika (2009): Hur Uppkommer Värde för kunden? Opens in new window
- Ekström, Maria (2008): Den anonyma seniorkonsumenten identifieras: Om identitetsskapande processer i en marknadsföringskontext
- Golik Klanac, Natasa (2008): Customer Value of Website Communication in Business-to-business Relationships Opens in new window
- Pihlström, Minna (2008): Perceived value of mobile service use and its consequences Opens in new window
- Rindell, Anne (2008): Image heritage - The temporal dimension in consumers' corporate image constructions Opens in new window
- Wägar, Karolina (2007): The Nature of Learning about Customers in a Customer Service Setting - A Study of Frontline Contact Persons
- Berndtson, Mikael (2007): Informell marknadskommunikation. Teoretisk analys jämte en studie av användningsmöjligheter inom banksektorn
- Rytting, Leif (2006): Visst gör kunden en stor del av jobbet. Referensramar för kunders medverkan vid tillkomsten av konsumenttjänster
- Korkman, Oskar (2006): Customer Value Formation in Practice: A Practice-Theoretical Approach
- Kauppinen, Hannele (2005): Colours as Non-Verbal Signs on Packages
- Kokko,Teemu (2005): Offering Development in the Restaurant Sector. A Comparison Between Customer Perceptions and Management Beliefs
- Finne, Åke (2004): Hur den aktiva kunden konstruerar budskap - Ett synsätt inom relationskommunikation
- Wendelin, Robert (2004): The Nature and Change of Bonds in Industrial Business Relationships
- Åkerlund, Helena (2004): Fading Customer Relationships
- Leino, Mirel (2004): Value Creation in Professional Service Processes. Propositions for Understanding Financial Value from a Customer Perspective
- Heinonen, Kristina (2004): Time and Location as Customer Perceived Value Drivers
- Nordman, Christina (2004): Understanding Customer Loyalty and Disloyalty The Effect of Loyalty-Supporting and -Repressing Factors
- Ballantyne, David (2004): A Relationship Mediated Theory of Internal Marketing (summary section only)
- Sääksjärvi, Maria (2004): Consumer Evaluation of Hybrid Innovations (summary section only)
- Owusu, Richard A. (2003): Collective Network Capability in International Project Business Networks - A Case Study of the Business Network for the Ashanti Electrification Project in Ghana
- Arantola, Heli (2002): Relationship Drivers in Provider - Consumer Relationships. Empirical Studies of Customer Loyalty Programs
- Polsa, Pia (2002): Power and Distribution Network Structure in the People's Republic of China - The Case of an Inland City in Transition
- Lindberg-Repo, Kirsti (2001): Customer Relationship Communication - Analysing Communication from a Value Generating Perspective
- Voima, Päivi (2001): Negative Internal Critical-Incident Processes - Windows on Relationship Change
- Kinnunen, Ritva (2001): Creating and testing of service ideas and service production concepts
- Roos, Inger (1999): Switching Paths in Customer Relationships
- Leminen, Seppo (1999): Gaps in Buyer-Seller Relationships. Case Studies in the Telecommunication Industry.
- Ojasalo, Jukka (1999): Quality Dynamics in Professional Services
- Ojasalo, Katri (1999): Conceptualizing Productivity in Services
- Stenbacka, Caroline (1998): Brand Visibility - en referensram för marknadskommunikation med ett relationsmarknadsföringsperspek-tiv. Brand Visibility - A Frame of Reference for Marketing Communications with a Relationship Marketing Perspective. English Summary.
- Rosenbröijer, Carl-Johan (1998): Capability Development in Business Networks. A Study of Distribution
in the Fine Paper Sector in the United Kingdom. - Holmlund, Maria (1997): Perceived Quality in Business Relationships.
- Liljander, Veronica (1995): Comparison Standards in Perceived Service Quality.
- Strandvik, Tore (1994): Tolerance Zones in Perceived Service Quality
- Storbacka, Kaj (1994): The Nature of Customer Relationship Profitability - Analysis of Relationships and Customer Bases in Retail Bankin