The bachelor's degree structure

Information about the Hanken Bachelor in Business degree structure

N.B.! This information only concerns students at Hanken's Bachelor in Business.

OBS! Denna information gäller endast Hankens kandidatprogram på engelska (Bachelor in Business).

During the first 1.5 years of your bachelor's degree, you will be studying together with your cohort at the Bachelor in Business programme. You will complete a set of general basic courses, subject-specific mandatory basic courses, as well as language studies. 

After the first year, you will select your major and minor subjects, and after completing the first 1.5 years with your own cohort, you will complete your major and minor studies alongside other BSc students.

The student workload is measured in credits. One credit at Hanken corresponds to one ECTS, which in turn corresponds to 27 hours of work. Full-time study equals approximately 30 credits per semester, or 60 credits per academic year.

You may include a maximum of 90 ECTS of credits transferred from another institution of higher education in your bachelor's degree.

Degree Structure

Hanken Bachelor in Business programme diagram

Your bachelor's degree comprises the following components:

Basic Courses in Economic Sciences (56 ECTS)

The basic courses in economic sciences provide you with an introduction to every subject offered at Hanken, as well as a solid foundation for your studies in economics and business administration. You will complete the basic courses in economic sciences over a period of 3 semesters or 1.5 years. A list of which courses you will complete in your first year can be found on the page for new students.

The basic courses are as follows:

  • Introduction to Economic Analysis (6 ECTS)
  • Mathematics for Economics and Business (2 ECTS)
  • Introduction to Accounting (6 ECTS)
  • Management and Entrepreneurship (6 ECTS)
  • Principles of Finance (6 ECTS)
  • Statistical Analysis for Economics and Business (6 ECTS)
  • Business Analytics and Programming (6 ECTS)
  • Principles of Marketing (6 ECTS)
  • Global Sustainability (6 ECTS)
  • Introduction to Law and Legal Reasoning (2 ECTS)
  • Introduction to EU Law (2 ECTS)
  • Introduction to IP - IPR is the New Black (2 ECTS)


Orientation and Navigator Path (8 ECTS)

During your first semester of your first year, you will complete a mandatory Orientation Course (2 ECTS), which will provide you with an introduction to academic writing, integrity and ethics, as well as study techniques and other skills which will support you in your studies.

The Navigator Path is a series of three courses (in total 6 ECTS), which you will take throughout your time as a student at the Bachelor in Business programme. The Navigator Path is designed to equip students with the skills necessary to navigate the ever evolving landscape of academic studies, work and personal life, with a focus on creating a solid base for sustainable performance and wellbeing. 


Studies in Language and Business Communication (min. 15 ECTS)

During your first year, you will take the mandatory course Introduction to Business Communication (3 ECTS). 

In addition, you will study either or both of Finland's national languages, Swedish and Finnish. Read more about the studies in Finnish and Swedish below.

Students who have completed their previous school education in Swedish or Finnish in Finland

If you have received your previous school education in Swedish or Finnish in Finland (diploma from lower secondary and/or upper secondary education), you must fulfil the requirements for language proficiency in Finnish and Swedish in accordance with the Act on the Knowledge of Languages Required of Personnel in Public Bodies (424/2003). The following requirements must be fulfilled in conjunction with your degree at Hanken: excellent skills in the language of your previous school education, and at least satisfactory skills in the other national language.

You will study a minimum of 6 ECTS each of Swedish and Finnish as part of your bachelor's degree. Depending on your level, you may be required to study more than 6 ECTS of one or both languages, in order to reach the level required by the Act on the Knowledge of Languages Required of Personnel in Public Bodies (424/2003).

You can read more about the language proficiency requirements on the page for national languages in the bachelor's degree.


Students who have completed their previous school education outside of Finland or in another language than Finnish/Swedish

You will study a minimum of 12 ECTS of either Swedish or Finnish. You may also take additional credits in the other language, but you must complete at least 12 ECTS in either Swedish or Finnish.



Major Subject (min. 60 ECTS)

At the end of your first year, you will select a major subject to specialise in. The major subject consists of a minimum of 60 ECTS, and a few of the basic courses in economic sciences count towards each major subject. 

In order to select Finance as your major subject, you need to fulfil certain grade requirements. You can read more about the different major subjects and the requirements for choosing finance on the Majors and Minors page.


Semester Abroad (min. 8 ECTS) or Finnish Business and Society (min. 25 ECTS)

Students who have completed their previous school education in Swedish or Finnish in Finland

Your degree includes a mandatory semester abroad. You may choose to complete the semester abroad in the form of exchange studies or an internship abroad.


Students who have completed their previous school education outside of Finland or in another language than Finnish/Swedish

You may choose to complete either a semester abroad, or the study module Finnish Business and Society, which focuses on integration into Finnish society.

If you choose the semester abroad, you may choose to complete it in the form of exchange studies or an internship abroad.

If you choose the Finnish Business and Society module, you will select a minimum of 25 ECTS from the study plan for the module. The module may include for example studies focusing on integration into Finnish society and the business world, an internship in Finland, and language studies in Swedish and/or Finnish. The module constitutes a minor subject.

Please note that the Finnish Business and Society module is only available to students who have completed their previous school education outside of Finland or in another language than Finnish/Swedish.



Minor Subject (min. 25 ECTS)

Your bachelor's degree must include at least one minor subject. A minor subject comprises min. 25 ECTS in the same subject.

If you choose to complete a minor subject in one of Hanken's economic sciences, the basic course for that subject is usually included in the minor.

You may also choose to complete multiple minor subjects, e.g. exchange studies and a minor in an economic science.


Elective Studies

In order to graduate, you need to complete a total of at least 180 ECTS. On top of the mandatory basic courses, language studies, courses in your major subject and minor subject, semester abroad or Finnish Business and Society module, you may also need to complete some elective studies in order to reach 180 credits. The elective studies can consist of any elective courses, or transferred credits from another university or university of applied sciences.

In Sisu, you can use the keyword BSC-ELECTIVES to find elective courses on bachelor level.