Study Module in Supply Chain Management

Bok och pennor
Complete a selection of courses within supply chain management and social responsibility at Hanken. You can also get admitted to the MSc level after completing the study module with good grades.

Interested in Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility on MSc level?

Hanken is one of the leading business schools when it comes to Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility - read more about the subject and the studies here.


The principle of first come, first serve is applicable, and there is only 30 seats available annually within the module. The 30 first eligible students to sign up (20 to the Cooperation quota and 10 through the Open University quota) will be offered the possibility to complete a predetermined selection of courses within the study module in SCM&SR, during the two following academic years. If one of the quotas is not filled when the registration ends, the empty seats can be moved to the other quota.

Eligible students must have attained a bachelor's degree and at least 10 ECTS of relevant studies (university level) before the registration for the module has ended.

Eligible students can register to the module and its courses by filling in an electronic form and by belonging to one of the following quotas:

Quotas for the Study Module
Cooperation Quota Cooperation quota, 20 seats: you need to be registered as present at a Finnish university, or a Finnish university of applied sciences, and need to be so during the completion of the studies. Certificate of enrollment and transcript of records is demanded when registering to the module and the transcript of records is needed to prove the 10 ECTS of relevant studies. BSc degree is required.
Open University Quota Open University quota, 10 seats: you will be registered as a Open university student. This quota is open for ANYONE who has ever attained at least 10 ECTS of relevant studies. Transcript of records is needed to prove the 10 ECTS relevant studies. BSc degree is required.The whole module, for two years, is offered for 500 euros (one-off payment). The payment is done upon or shortly after registration.  Students that are refugees or have temporary protection in Finland can be exempted from the open university fee. 


Once you have been accepted to the module as a student, you can choose from a wide variety of Hanken's courses from supply chain management and social responsibility on MSc level. You can take part in up to 45 ECTS worth of the pre-defined courses per academic year at a maximum. Note that you can only sign up to the courses defined as courses belonging to the study module (thus, you cannot, as an example, study French at Hanken by signing up to the study module, since French classes are not defined as courses within the module). There may be more courses offered than 45 ECTS per year.

Students who gain access to the module are thus granted the right to study at Hanken for two academic years, and can choose courses only from a set list of courses.

The 30 first eligible students to sign up through the electronic form will gain access to the courses.

The following courses within Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility are offered within the module during the academic year 2025-26 in English (changes are possible):

Mandatory for admission (30 cr out of required 40 cr):

Electives for admission (10 cr, to complete 40 cr):

Among the electives one of the following can be included: 

  • Emerging Issues in Supply Chain Management and Sustainability, 5 cr
  • Emerging Issues in Supply Chain Management and Humanitarian Logistics, 5 cr

Among the electives one of the following can be included: 


The following courses within Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility are offered within the module during the academic year 2024-25 in English (changes are possible):

Mandatory for admission (30 cr out of required 40 cr):

•    38013 Supply Chain Management, 5 cr
•    38015 Supply Chain Strategy for Sustainability, 5 cr
•    38018 Supply Chain Risk & Resilience, 5 cr
•    38019 Project Course in Corporate Social Responsibility & Humanitarian Logistics, 10 cr
•    38020-1 Humanitarian Logistics: Part 1 (MOOC), 2 cr
•    38020-2 Humanitarian Logistics: Part 2 (prerequisite: part 1 MOOC), 3 cr

Electives for admission (10 cr, to complete 40 cr):

•    38024 Organising for the Sustainable Development Goals, 2 cr
•    38014 Emerging Issues and Challenges in Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility, 5 cr
•    38026 Health Emergency Response and Medical Logistics, 2 cr
•    38009 Voluntary Work, 5 cr

Among the electives one of the following can be included: 

•  38215 Fördjupad praktik i logistik och samhällsansvar I, 5 cr
•  38216 Fördjupad praktik i logistik och samhällsansvar II, 10 cr
•  38217 Advanced Internship in Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility I, 5cr
•  38218 Advanced Internship in Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility I, 10cr
•  38298 Fördjupad praktik utomlands i logistik och samhällsansvar, 5cr
•  38299 Fördjupad praktik utomlands i logistik och samhällsansvar, 10cr


Please notice that courses may require examination on campus in Helsinki and that the lectures will be held on-site.

You are allowed to sign up to courses adding up to a maximum of 45 ECTS per academic year, even though the actual amount of ECTS offered might be higher. You gain the right to participate in the courses during the first two academic years after you have signed up as one of the 30 first eligible students. You are not allowed to re-take courses.

Please note that you are required to register for the teaching in Sisu yourself, which requires a study plan in Sisu. The instructions for Sisu can be found here.

For more information about the courses visit, search for the courses by entering the course code. 

P1, P2, P3 or P4 = Period 1, 2, 3, or 4, where period 1 is during the beginning of the fall semester and period 4 in late spring semester. 

S1 and S2 = Hanken's summer semesters, teaching during the summer


The registration for the study module in Supply Chain Management on MSc level will open in April. The deadline for registration is the 31st of July. 

You will need to upload an electronically signed or scanned copy of your official stamped transcript of records in order to prove that you have attained the required 10 ECTS of relevant studies (university level). 

If you wish to gain access to the study module through the "cooperation studies quota" you need to prove that you are registered as present at a university or university of applied sciences for the whole academic year: also upload a electronically signed or scanned copy of your stamped certificate of enrollment. 

Hanken can accept electronic transcript of records if the link is sent through My sevice Opens in new window for studies completed in Finland, or if your university issues official electronic transcripts. 

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Notice! Information on how to apply for degree studies after completed study module is being updated!

The 10 best applicants who fulfill all of the criteria (below) will be offered admission to study either Supply Chain Management in English or Supply Chain Management (Styrning av försörningskedjor) in Swedish on MSc level at Hanken. The ranking is based on the applicant's grades attained from the study module's courses. (all courses need to be completed and registered on the applicant's transcript at the latest 10.6.2025),

Admission criteria, all applicants need to fulfill the following and will be ranked based on the applicant's grades in the module's courses:

  •     have signed up as one of the 30 eligible students to the official study module through its Open University or Cooperation quota, and been granted the right to complete the courses through the study module*
  •     attained at least 40 ECTS of the study module's courses, including the courses defined as mandatory for admission (these courses might change during the years - Hanken will take these changes into account when the applicant applies for admission)
  •     these 40 ECTS need to be completed within two academic years (all courses need to be completed and registered on the applicant's transcript at the latest 10.6.2025),
  •     attained at least good as a GPA from the courses/40 ECTS (at least 3 out of 5 on Hanken's scale),
  •     fulfill the language requirement:
    • for the English Humanitarian Logistics track: have completed all the 40 ECTS and all the module's courses needed for admission in English, with at least the grade good/3 out of 5 in all courses (or proven your English language skills in any of the other accepted ways),
    • for the Swedish major "Logistik och samhällsansvar" fulfill Hanken's language requirements in Swedish for MSc level or gained at least the grade good/3 out of 5 at least in 10 ECTS worth of the module's courses in Swedish (the courses need to be taught in Swedish and all course work have to be completed in Swedish)
  •     attained at least a BSc degree from a recognised university, or university of applied sciences before the actual degree studies at Hanken can start (last possible graduation date is thus 31 July that same year),
  •     sent in your application through before the application deadline (11.3 – 25.3.2025  at 3 pm)

If the applicant has not been able to complete 40 ECTS within two academic years with a GPA of at least good, the applicant cannot sign up to another two-year period, and try to attain the missing courses, or re-take courses in order to gain higher grades. It is not possible to try to apply for admission based on courses completed during a second two-year period. Admission can only be granted based on studies attained during the applicant's first two-year period.

*It is not possible to apply for admission without completing the required studies through the study module. As an example: one cannot sign up as an external student to the courses through the general Open University portal, and then choose and complete a selection of courses on their own. This is to ensure that only a maximum of 10 eligible students will be admitted, and that these have attained the needed knowledge, defined by the academic staff, to be able to succeed in their studies.

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