User Agreement Template
Below is a template for the user agreement. The online version is always the most current text:
User Agreement for User-ID at Hanken School of Economics
Summary of Rules for Use of IT Services
The rules apply to all IT services at Hanken, computers, machines, systems and networks. The rules are binding for all users.
The university gives you the right to use the IT-services and resources by giving you a username or by making services and resources available to you. You are personally responsible for all usage of IT-services and resources with your username. The IT-services and resources you get access to, shall be used only for Hanken work and studies. Only limited private use is allowed. Commercial use and propagating is forbidden.
Yes, I first name last name approve the above and have acquainted myself with Rules for IT-services, E-mail Rules and Termination of User rights Opens in new window and agree to abide to them. I understand that my username is activated only during the time my stydy right is valid, or I am employed by, or associated with Opens in new window Hanken.