News Archive

Hanken students
Are you an active Hanken student who engages in various projects or entrepreneurship? Then apply for the Anders Wall scholarship of 200 000 SEK by 31 October 2021! The scholarship is one of the largest given to a student at Hanken and is granted to a Hanken student who shows entrepreneurial skills as well as good study results.

book cover
Emeritus Professor Christian Grönroos has published a new book on one of the current trends in trade, "Tjänstefiering. I kundens ögon är alla företag tjänsteleverantörer" (”Servicefying. In the customer’s eyes all firms are service providers”, Volante, Stockholm 2021).
Elisabeth Rehn
Hanken will launch a new podcast featuring Elisabeth Rehn, Kimmo Sasi, Henrik Lax, Veronica Wiklund, Ann-Mari Mingard and Björn Wahlroos as guests. The “Gyllene studietider” (Golden years of study) podcast will be hosted by Hanken’s Rector, Karen Spens and the producer of the podcast Hanna Westerholm. New episodes will be recorded during the autumn with interesting alumni from both Helsinki and Vaasa.
Disputation doktorsavhandling
Food security is defined as having sufficient access to food in order to maintain a healthy life. The mainstream approach to ensuring sufficient food and nutrition security is focused on production and consumption. New research shows that food security research and action need to emphasise distribution and retail in addition to agricultural production.
Blommor och doktorshatt
On 17 September 2021 Hanken School of Economics arranged an inaugural installation ceremony for three new professors, Mats Ehrnrooth (Management and Organisation), Kaj Storbacka (Hanken Foundation Professor) and Kim Ittonen (Accounting).
Bild med pappersmapp och person med penna.
The templates for master’s thesis is no longer available for students and has been replaced by the formatting guide!
The library arranges online training sessions in the reference management software Mendeley. The workshops are for both students and staff at Hanken.
Vetenskapskarnevalen i Vasa 19-20.11 2021
On 19–20 November, researchers in different disciplines will be discussing some of the latest scientific findings and fascinating research projects in the centre of Vaasa. All the universities and universities of applied sciences in Vaasa will contribute to this science celebration of rare proportions, organised jointly with the Society of Swedish Literature in Finland.
Hankens flaggor
Hanken’s master’s programme has been ranked 55th in this year’s edition of the Financial Times’ Masters in Management ranking. This is a significant rise in comparison to last year (ranked 70th). Financial Times annually ranks the best master’s programmes world-wide.
Textilåtervinning i Finland 2023
The EU waste directive mandates the member states to establish a separate collection of used textiles by the year 2025. Finland is aiming to start textile collection earlier, by the year 2023, which is 1,5 years from now. In this blog post, Emppu Nurminen from Nextiili, the organisation from Tampere which is part of the textile collection pilot taking place now, tells about their pioneering work.
The European Working Group on Humanitarian Operations (EURO HOpe) and the HUMLOG Institute at Hanken School of Economics are organizing the fifth EURO HOpe mini conference in Helsinki, Finland on the 24.-25. November 2021. This year the event will be in hybrid format.
Hanken launches the fundraising campaign Count on Hanken with the aim of strengthening the core business and securing the unique position as an independent business school.
There is a need for more economic thinking, discussions and reasoning in Finland. This was emphasized by Helsinki's newly elected mayor Juhana Vartiainen, who spoke to the new students at the opening of the academic year at the Hanken School of Economics on Wednesday.
Disputation doktorsavhandling
New research shows that a service-providing organisation facilitates the well-being of individuals by supporting, socialising, and empowering them. Technology, service environment and design, and internal practices and arrangements also contribute to the individuals’ well-being.
This year, Helsinki Mayor Juhana Vartiainen opens the new academic year at Hanken School of Economics on 1 September 2021 with a greeting from the City of Helsinki. Universities have a major role to play in supporting the development of our capital. Hanken and the City of Helsinki can work together to make both the city and Finland even more attractive.
After many years in the oil industry, Linda Tallberg changed her career and started researching human-animal relations at work. She is often asked the question: what do animals have to do with business?
Ari Hyytinen
Research funding is increasingly granted to large, multidisciplinary consortia in which researchers from several universities, but also other societal actors participate. Researchers at Hanken have actively applied for funding for such projects, and in the spring of 2021, a record number of researchers at the university received highly welcomed news from the funders.
Disputation doktorsavhandling
Owned media publications present business sustainability frontrunners actively. Sustainability communication can go beyond managing legitimacy and reputation and guide firms to adopt sustainability-related practices and discourses. Meri-Maaria Frig (M.Sc.) discovered this in her doctoral thesis, which examines business sustainability communication in media.
Hanken students
The Handelsgillets Foundation in Helsinki Brödrafond is open for scholarship applications for Hanken students.

Hankens flaggor
Appointments to mental health services have been steadily increasing among both higher education students and other representatives of the same age group since autumn 2020.