News Archive

New research suggests that a democratization of the market economy is necessary for sustainable development. In order to tackle e.g. climate change and inequality, traditionally powerless actors need to participate in market organising processes.
The foundation stone of the new eight storey building on the Arcada Campus in Arabianranta, Helsinki, was put up on 17 January 2018. The new building will have have 103 student apartments and state of the art sports facilities.
The Hanken Support Foundation invites applications for Research Sabbaticals. Deadline for applications is 31 March 2018.
In line with the internationalisation of Hanken, faculty members are offered the opportunity to participate in the International Management Teachers Academy 17-28 June 2018 in Bled, Slovenia.
Hanken, the University of Helsinki and Aalto University will launch a new unit specialising in Economics, the Helsinki Graduate School of Economics. Please find a list of frequently asked questions below.
The confidence in Hanken’s operations remains as EFMD awarded Hanken renewed EQUIS-accreditation in December 2017. Information meeting for the staff to be held on 17 January 2018 at 8.30 am.
Hanken is joining Aalto University and the University of Helsinki as UniSport's funding university at the beginning of the year 2018.
The Scandinavian Consortium for Organizational Research (SCANCOR) provides opportunities for scholars from its member schools to conduct research at Stanford.
The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters has invited Hanken’s Rector Karen Spens as fellow on 18 December 2017.
Helsinki Graduate School of Economics (Helsinki GSE) will gain new professorships funded by the Bank of Finland and the VATT Institute for Economic Research, which is governed by the Ministry of Finance.
The Hanken Board had its meeting on 14 December and decided on admissions quotas, budget and fundraising.
The confidence in Hanken’s operations remains as EFMD awarded Hanken renewed EQUIS-accreditation. Information meeting for the staff to be held on 17 January 2018 at 8.30 am.
During Hanken's traditional Christmas coffee in Helsinki 19 December 2017, Rector Karen Spens honoured Hanken faculty and staff by presenting awards and distinctions.
The confidence in Hanken’s operations continued, as EFMD awarded Hanken renewed EQUIS-accreditation.
Hanken has excelled in a survey on the working climate at the Finnish universities and tops the list on several points.
Hanken no longer handles any claims concerning study grants or other financial aid for students.
Summary of the decisions made during the AC meeting 4.12.2017.
Please note that travel claims and other claimed expenses for 2017 have to be declared and approved by the 10th of January 2018.
At CERS, we have a light, white corner room with big windows that open to the neighbouring playschool’s yard. This fall a visiting researcher Stephane Thion from Toulouse, France, has been working in the corner room.
In the current strategy, Hanken 2025, the areas of strength-policy plays an important role and a new evaluation of research will be conducted during spring 2018.