The Consumer Newsscape Project

The term “newsscape” refers to the landscape of news sources that consumers utilize in their daily lives. Traditional media such as newspapers and TV-news have dominated in the past, but now we are facing a situation where consumers are increasingly able to pick, choose and individualize their own personal newsscapes.
The project studied news consumption in Finland and Sweden and applied a service perspective to try to understand the role of news in peoples’ everyday lives. What are the implications for news services in the future?
The Consumer Newsscape project was a one-year project funded by Helsingin Sanomain säätiö. The research was carried out at the CERS Centre for Relationship Management and Service Marketing at Hanken School of Economics, and in collaboration with Stockholm School of Economics.
Research team
Tore Strandvik, Emeritus Professor, Hanken School of Economics
Magnus Söderlund, Professor, Stockholm School of Economics
Jacob Mickelsson, Affiliation researcher, Åbo Akademi
For more information, contact Emeritus Professor Tore Strandvik,