News Archive

Jannica Fagerholm as Chairman of the Board at Hanken has a strong feeling of commitment. She wants to work for a Hanken that’s an internationally strong leader within its research areas.
Hanken’s Green Office team is currently working on our annual WWF Green Office report. The report covers, among other things, progress made with regards to the indicators we have committed to follow up.
In the latest issue of Hanken Magazine, you can read about how students learn to put theoretical knowledge into practice. Also, read an interview with Hanken’s Chairman of the Board, Jannica Fagerholm.
Hanken’s four new Areas of Strength are Competition Economics and Service Strategy, Financial Management, Accounting and Governance, Responsible Organising, and Leading People for Growth and Well-being.
Vesa Vihriälä, DSocSci, has been appointed Professor of Practice at the Helsinki Graduate School of Economics. Vihriälä will assume the position on 1 July 2019. The position is housed at University of Helsinki.
Last Saturday 36 students from Hanken School of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics and USI Lugano in Switzerland met in Helsinki to tackle world challenges regarding food waste.
SPSS helpdesk on Tuesdays at 4-6 p.m.
Within the externally funded project Brand New an issue called ”Brändin jalanjälki voimavarana” has been published.
Hanken is involved in two building projects and now the first house is ready and accepted new tenants from 1 February 2019. There are still apartments available and open for applications.
Since the beginning of February, Hanken Executive Education in Vaasa is an integral part of Hanken & SSE Executive Education, after having been part of Hanken School of Economics for 30 years.
Financial modelling is the art of searching for the best quantitative solution to the problem. Since the stock market crash of October 1987, modelling implied volatility increasingly became a non-trivial issue.
The library is arranging short courses for the reference manager programme RefWorks.
Are you wondering how Hanken has been faring in its responsible management education and sustainability journey for the past couple of years? We have the answers for you in our latest PRME Report 2016-18!
During World Economic Forum (WEF) Business Lead will be showcased, and Hanken School of Economics Rector Karen Spens will participate in a panel debate, concerning impact investment at the annual Swedish lunch event.
We now have Presemo and Flinga, tools for supporting activity in class.
The application round for QTEM Masters Network exchange studies in autumn semester 2019 is now open.
Hanken has expressed an opinion on the draft for a new financing model for higher education institutions, which would apply from 2021. Hanken delivered the opinion to the Ministry of Education and Culture.
As of January 1, 2019, Hanken has merged the Department of Economics and the Department of Finance and Statistics into the Department of Finance and Economics.
Hanken has a new agreement with Fazer concerning restaurant services at Hanken. The new agreement also includes new pricing.
Alf-Erik Lerviks, former rector of Hanken, has been conferred honorary doctor at Estonian Business School EBS.