News Archive

The Rector of Hanken, Karen Spens, has been elected member of the board of Universities Finland UNIFI. UNIFI is a co-operational organisation for Finnish universities.
The WeAll research project focuses on sustainability, equality and diversity in work life. It is a collaboration between Hanken, Helsinki University and Jyväskylä University. The project will continue to at least 2021.
The Fulbright institute now accepts applications for summer 2018 Study of the United States Institutes- programmes. Application deadline is 21.11.2017 at 10 a.m.
Summary of the decisions made during the meeting 1.11.2017.
Hanken Research Day in Helsinki will be arranged on 22 November 2017.
The Department of Marketing is arranging a teaching demonstration on Friday 10.11.2017 for the Assistant Professor (tenure track) position in Marketing, Helsinki.
CC licenses in connection to course material, self-archiving and research data is discussed at a mini seminar on Monday 13 of November.
According to a recent study, Hanken graduates are in general more pleased, younger and faster employed than other business school graduates in Finland.
The updated version of Haris includes a new template to report publications, which will make it easier to choose the proper publication class.
Hanken Center of Corporate Governance, Sitra and Hanasaari Culture Centre are arranging a seminar regarding competition in health care and the health care reform in Finland.
The Sino-Finnish Research Days took place at Fudan University in Shanghai 24-25 October 2017. The two-day conference is a part of the Finland 100 festivities and was organised by the Finnish member universities of the Nordic Centre Fudan University.
The Hanken Support Foundation invites grant applications for "Visiting International Faculty". Deadline for applications is 20 November 2017 alternatively 29 January 2018.
Professor Peter Matthews holds a Fulbright Distinguished Chair at Hanken during the Academic Year 2017-2018.
Peter Sarlin has been appointed Professor of Practice at Hanken as of this autumn. Dr. Sarlin specializes in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), with a special interest in applications for financial, economic and societal disciplines.
The Hanken Board had its meeting on 26 October and decided on membership in HGSE, and Hanken’s position on university collaboration in Vaasa.
Associate Professor Mikael Laakso, Information System Science, has been appointed to the European Commission's Expert Group on the Future of Scholarly Publishing and Scholarly Communication.
This autumn, Hanken launches a unique course that teaches business valuation with the help of corporate strategy analysis, growth investing and financial statements. The course combines theory and practical tasks during the startup event Slush.
Now is your chance to shape the future of Hanken with us. Answer the International Student Barometer (ISB)!
The teaching staff is encouraged to remind the students to participate in the International Student Barometer. The survey is sent out to all international students at Hanken on 23 October.
Hanken's webmaster Hans Hed retires 19.10.2017. Hasse started his career at Hanken in May 1996.