News Archive

Exchange students at Hanken are extremely pleased with their experience and their studies. The results from the latest exchange student survey show that 96% would recommend Hanken as a destination for an exchange student semester.
Centre for Relationship Marketing and Service Management CERS operates in two units, in Helsinki and in Vaasa. The Ostrobothnian part of CERS is situated in Hanken School of Economics in Vaasa, Western Finland.
Read the summary of the Academic Council meeting 31.1.2018.
RefWorks is an online research management tool designed to help students and researchers to easily gather, manage and store references, as well as generate bibliographies.
Hanken’s Green Office team is currently working on our annual WWF Green Office reportThe report covers among other things the progress made as regards the indicators we have committed to follow up.
The GDPR makes it a requirement that organisations appoint a data protection officer (DPO). Hanken has appointed Urpo Kaila as DPO.
Professor Maria Holmlund-Rytkönen at the department of Marketing has been appointed Programme Director of Bachelor and Master studies at Hanken during 1.2-31.12.2018.
Hanken & SSE Executive Education is seeking company partners in Finland for the integration programme Business Lead 2018 for educated immigrants and asylum seekers.
Hanken Inspiration Award was presented at Hanken Business Forum and this year it went to fintech company Enfuce Financial Services.
Do you have an interest in business and economics beyond the ordinary? Do you have a Master’s degree and a passion for creating knowledge? Hanken offers an internationally acknowledged PhD from an accredited business school.
The Letterstedt association aims at promoting the Nordic community in the fields of industry, science and art.
NB! Call for applications updated 1 Feb 2018. In line with the internationalisation of Hanken, professors, associate professors and lecturers are offered the opportunity to participate in the International Teacher’s Programme 2018-2019.
Hanken’s staff is welcome to attend the Hanken Business Forum seminar in the Assembly Hall on 30 January at 3-5 p.m.!
Hanken has been selected for the third time in a row to the PRME Champions group.
Hanken now offers a member of the Hanken faculty or staff the possibility to take part in the Hanken Executive MBA programme that starts in March 2018. The deadline for applications has been extended to 16 February 2018.
Sometimes it is good to take a break from studying and exercise. UniSport, which is a joint venture by Hanken, the University of Helsinki and Aalto University, offers sports and exercise services to a special price for students at Hanken.
MSc Sara Lindeman has defended her doctoral thesis today at Hanken.
The application period to Hanken’s Master’s programme closed on Wednesday 17 January. Hanken received a total of 582 applications.
Toner cartridges for the printers have to be picked up from IB. They are no longer automatically delivered to the departments, instead IB has the cartridges in storage.
We want to remind you to fill in the 2017 information about faculty mobility in Haris for visits abroad and hosting academics at Hanken 31.1.2018 at the latest.