News Archive

Fancy getting your doctoral hat during a festive ceremony and then dancing the night away? The next ceremonial conferment of doctoral degrees at Hanken will take place on 25 October 2019.
Business Communications in Swedish at Hanken has been awarded a total of 72 500 eur for the project Swedish business communication in the digital era.
Hanken’s master’s programme has been ranked 65th in Financial Times’ annual Masters in Management ranking. This is a significant rise in comparison to last year (ranked 71).
Hanken's Rector Karen Spens stated in her speech that internationalisation and continuous learning are at the core of the activities at Hanken in the years to come. Chairman of the board Björn Wahlroos was awarded Hanken's medal of gold.
The Delegate of Occupational Safety represents Hanken’s employees in the cooperation on occupational safety. The term of office is until the end of 2019.
Due to renovations there is no parking allowed in the Hanken court yard in Helsinki during 11-15.9.2018. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
Summary of the decisions made during the meeting 28.8.2018.
Hanken will have three comprehensive service units from 1 January 2019. A director who reports directly to the Rector will head each unit.
The Hanken Support Foundation invites grant applications from Hanken Academic Staff, Doctoral students and BSc and Msc students.
Do you have an interest in business and economics beyond the ordinary? Do you have a Master’s degree and a passion for creating knowledge? Hanken offers an internationally acknowledged PhD from an accredited business school.
Professor Jaakko Aspara will replace professor Timo Korkeamäki as Dean of Research during 1.9-31.12.2018.
During summer there has been several changes in the administrative staff at Hanken.
The Hanken Board will gather on Wednesday 29 August 2018 in the morning. All Hanken faculty and staff are welcome to participate in Rector´s Board Meeting Information later the same day at 14.00-14.30.
Nine Hanken students participated this year in the international exam Prüfung Wirtschaftsdeutsch. This is the highest level of diploma in German for business students available.
CERS had the honour to organize the bi-annual Doctoral Colloquium of Marketing at Hanken this week.
Three new employees have joined the teams at External Relations: Jessica Finnilä, Judith Buddingh’ and Nikoline Stenman-Möller.
Do not click on unkown links!
The Hanken faculty (incl. doctoral students) and staff from both Helsinki and Vaasa are warmly welcome to kick off the upcoming academic year 2018-2019 on 28 August 2018 at 3-5.15 p.m.
Do you want to know more about pitching? Do you need tips on how to make a presentation that makes an impact? Join us for a pitching session arranged for researchers at Hanken on 5 September 2018 at 10-12.
Henrik Virtanen and his colleagues are examining the social media from different angles regarding marketing, in CERS Vaasa.