News Archive

Does your department or unit still need to order computers or other equipment this year? Orders need to be placed before 10.12.2018.
In line with the internationalisation of Hanken, faculty members at Hanken are offered the opportunity to participate in the International Teacher’s Programme 2019-2020. Internal deadline is 11 January 2019.
In line with the internationalisation of Hanken, faculty members are offered the opportunity to participate in the International Management Teachers Academy 16-27 June 2019 in Bled, Slovenia. Internal deadline is 11 January 2019.
What is a service? Or what does service do for the customers?
On Tuesday 27 November 2018 there is an interruption to the heat supply at Hanken in Helsinki between 8.00-19.00.
The Hanken Support Foundation invites applications for Research Sabbaticals. Deadline for applications is 28 February 2019.
It is widely acknowledged that strategic performance measurement systems play an important role for businesses. The design of performance measurement systems can have an impact on corporate profitability, giving businesses a competitive advantage.
The strategy at Hanken aims at educating responsible professionals and integrating sustainability in everything we are doing. To this end, Hanken is organising a unique week on the UN Sustainable Development Goals 13-21.11.2018.
Hanken researchers Virpi Sorsa and Jouni Virtaharju were granted 260 000€ for the research project “Ethnographic research about the leadership system’s reform in the City of Helsinki 2018-2020”.
Project funds for development of courses and teaching are open for applications. The maximum amount for the projects is 4000 euros and deadline for applications 28.11.2018.

Professor Peter Matthews, who visited Hanken as the Fulbright Professor of Economics in 2017/8, is recruiting participants to participate in a lab experiment 19-23.11 that explores the connections between language and economic decision-making.
CERS’ new MOOC “Principles of Service Management” has so far attracted almost 1000 students from 118 countries all over the world.
Three new professors have started working for Hanken: Petra Sund-Norrgård, David Grant and Ari Hyytinen. The inaugural installation lectures are held during Hanken Research Day on 14 November 2018.
The University Council of Hanken School of Economics has in its meeting on 25 October 2018, elected a new Board for Hanken. The term of office for the new Board is 1 January 2019 – 31 December 2021.
Money follows the best people and ideas, said Professor Bengt Holmström in the opening ceremony of Helsinki GSE. Professor Jean Tirole expected courage from politicians to admit that preventing climate change will require financial investment.
Every year Universum conducts a study called the company barometer where students in the Nordics get to say how satisfied they are with their university, their career services and their employability.
Rector sends a message regarding the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and the role Hanken has as an educator, a research institution, an employer and as civil society actor.
Hanken Research Day will be arranged on 14 november 2018 in Helsinki. The event is a platform for researchers at Hanken to share their research with both colleagues and students at Hanken as well as with the general public.
Everyone that has the right to vote in the election of the Board of Hanken has received e-mail regarding the election that takes place 17.10-23.10.2018.
Hanken’s professors, emeritus professors and young scholars with potential can apply for the Writing Recidency in 2019 and early 2020 at The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center.