News Archive

New students have been admitted today to the BSc programme based on their matriculation examination results and their results in Hanken’s entrance exam.
The Finnish foundation Suomen arvopaperimarkkinoiden edistämissäätiö rewarded Hanken student Benjamin Åberg for his master’s thesis. The award is 5000 EUR.
Hanken Magazine met with Hanken professor Denise Salin to talk about work place bullying. The chances of stopping bullying are higher with early intervention, she says.
A new thesis shows that climate information interpreted and presented to local stakeholders influence the decision making which makes the society better prepared for weather-related hazards.
Hanken School of Economics’ Annual Report 2018 is now available in both Swedish and English electronically on Hanken’s web. The Annual Report gives an overview of the highlights in 2018.
Discussing career options with a mentor gave Melina Weckman new ambitions. For Oskar Storsjö, becoming a mentor helped him develop his leadership skills.
Artificial intelligence for the growth agenda was one of the themes on Hanken's International Alumni Day in Stockholm in May.
What do tangled reinforcement bars, Hanken's 110 years and the new fundraising campaign have in common? A lot, says rector Karen Spens.
On 17 - 19 June 2019, Hanken School of Economics together with Aalto University Business School are hosting this years’ EurOMA conference. EurOMA is an international network for those who have interest in the development of Operations Management.
Several CERS Hanken researchers have gained prizes in QUIZ16 conference in Karlstad, Sverige, in June 2019.
Hanken scores very well in the latest exchange student survey among students that visited Hanken during spring 2019. All of the 31 respondents would recommend Hanken as host university for exchange studies.
The latest issue of the Hanken Magzine is out, with a new design! Read about how you can tackle workplace bullying, and what art and creativity has to do with education in a business school.
Three research projects have been granted funding of about 500 000 euros and 270 000 euros per project from Academy of Finland.
Hanken School of Economics has been ranked among the world’s top 35 universities and higher education institutions in the global U-Multirank university ranking on research and research linkages. The result is the second best in the Nordic countries.
Hanken is co-establishing Kvarken Space Center together with nine other universities and institutions in Sweden and Finland. The University of Vaasa is leading the project.
Hanken & SSE Executive Education continues to top the rankings in Northern Europe 2019 as a part of Stockholm School of Economics (SSE).
How to find the course schedules in the new interface.
The admission results 2019 to Hanken’s Bachelor’s Degree programme (Matriculation Examination quota), and Master’s Degree programme with instruction in Swedish have been published.
Imagine a world in which management without reflection implements decisions recommended by complex algorithms. These algorithms have evolved into black boxes beyond managerial cognition; yet business requires them to remain competitive.
Opening hours of Hanken and different service units in Helsinki and Vaasa during summer 2019.