Contact Information for the Subject Management and Organisation

On this page you can find contact information for the subject Management and Organisation:

Head of Department
Sören Kock

Head of Subject Management and Organisation in Helsinki
Janne Tienari

Contact Person in Vaasa
Sören Kock

Department Administrative Officer
Tanja Dahlgren-Broman

Street address in Helsinki:

The Department of Management and Organisation has its offices on Arkadiankatu 28. The faculty and staff of the Subject of Management and Organisation have their offices on the fifth floor.

Street address in Vaasa

In Vaasa, we work on the second floor of the Hanken building, at the address Kirjastonkatu 16.


Postdoctoral Researcher

Management and Organisation (Helsinki)

Management and Organisation (Helsinki)


Management and Organisation (Helsinki)

Doctoral Researcher

Management and Organisation (Helsinki)

Associate Professor (Tenure Track)

Management and Organisation (Helsinki)

Management and Organisation (Helsinki)

Doctoral Researcher

Management and Organisation (Vaasa)

Doctoral Researcher

Management and Organisation (Helsinki)

Doctoral Researcher

Management and Organisation (Helsinki)

Associate Professor (Tenure Track)

Management and Organisation (Vaasa)