Mini seminar on copyright with a focus on creative commons licenses

Room 408
CC licenses in connection to course material, self-archiving and research data is discussed at a mini seminar.

What is creative commons? After a general introduction, CC is discussed from different points of view, but with a focus on course material:

  • CC and course material. When is there a reason for me to add a cc-license to my teaching materials? How do I add a CC license to my teaching? Moocs, Open courseware and CC.
  • Research data and CC.
  • CC-license and self-archived articles – what should I think about?

The seminar is held on Monday 13th of November at 2.00-3.30 pm in room 408. It will be live streamed. Instructions on the streaming will follow later on.

Dietmar Tallroth and Margareta Danielsson introduce the topics.
