HNPW Event: A conglomerate of servicescapes: A new conceptualization of NEXUS environments

The HUMLOG Institute will be participating in the HNPW- Humanitarian Networks & Partnerships Week 2021 Online event 19.4.-7.5. 2021.
The HNPW, organized by OCHA, is the largest events of its kind, providing a collaborative space for practitioners and experts from a large variety of humanitarian stakeholders including UN agencies, Member States, NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, academia, the military & private sector initiatives, to collaborate in identifying solutions to common challenges in crisis preparedness and response.

¨A conglomerate of servicescapes: A new conceptualization of NEXUS environments¨
by Assistant Professor Diego Vega, Hanken School of Economics


Coordination between actors has been at the core of humanitarian aid, but little is said about the collective outcome of the services provided. This session focuses on discussing servicescape and service-logic as a solution towards strengthening the interlinkages between humanitarian, development, and peace actors. It emphasizes the need for interacting actors to co-create and increase the value for the final customer.

Expected Outcomes

This session aims to launch a discussion pertaining to a service view of humanitarian action. The objective being to better understanding the potential benefits and challenges of increasing the participation of the civil society towards cooperative behavior. Specifically, by framing humanitarian aid units as a conglomerate of servicescapes (i.e. places where humanitarian actors and recipients of humanitarian aid interact) we hope to garner a more complete perspective on how these units can be coordinated and more efficient. In doing so, we will focus on efficient and effective value co-creation of the different actors in the humanitarian system.

Organization: The Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Research Institute (HUMLOG Institute): Diego Vega, Hanken School of Economics and NEOMA Business School, France