HR Excellence in Research

HR Excellence in Research
Hanken har beviljats rätten att använda logon "HR Excellence in Research" av Europeiska Kommissionen. Logon "HR Excellence in Research" identifierar institutioner och organisationer som jobbar för att främja en stimulerande och positiv arbetsmiljö.
Sedan stadgan och riktlinjerna godkändes 2005, har mer än 1200 institutioner från 35 länder uttryckt sitt stöd för dessa och över 100 har erhållit kommissionens "HR Excellence in Research" utmärkelse.
HRS4R - Human Resources Strategy for Researchers
HRS4R (HR Strategy for Researchers) är ett verktyg vars syfte är att stödja institutioner i tillämpningen av Den europeiska stadgan för forskare och Riktlinjer för rekrytering av forskare Opens in new window i sin HR-strategi och praxis.
Medan den europeiska stadgan för forskare identifierar roller, ansvar och rättigheter för forskarna samt deras arbetsgivare och finansiärer, är syftet med Riktlinjer för rekrytering av forskare att förbättra rekryteringen och göra urvalsprocessen mera öppen och rättvis.
Genom att tillämpa dessa riktlinjer och rekommendationer kan organisationer, förutom att förbättra sin egen profil som arbetsgivare, bidra till att göra den nationella och europeiska forskningsgemenskapen mera attraktiv för forskare.
Ytterligare information om HRS4R endast tillgänglig på engelska.
HR Excellence in Research
Mera information om HRS4R vid Hanken finns på de engelskspråkiga sidorna.
The HRS4R Process at Hanken
Mera information om HRS4R vid Hanken finns på de engelskspråkiga sidorna.
2021 |
An external assessment and renewal of acknowledgement (step 5) will be conducted by the commission in 2021. |
2020 |
The new long-term strategy, Hanken 2030, and it's three sub strategies were published in February 2020. |
2018 |
In March 2018 Hanken received a response to the self-assessment and updated action plan, including recommendations on ‘corrective actions’ that could benefit the university. |
2017 |
A self-assessment of the progress made was carried out in the view of our new strategy during the autumn semester 2017 and an updated HRS4R Action Plan was submitted to the European Commission for assessment in November 2017 (step 4). |
2015 |
A Learning Café, where the participants discussed the outcome of the gap analysis and the action plan, was organised in March 2015. Based on this feedback, the action plan was finalized and published. The final application for acknowledgement by the Commission (step 3) was made in March 2015. |
2014 |
The compilation and publication (step 2) of the Action plan was conducted in April-May 2014. After the publication of the Action plan on the university website, all research staff was invited to comment on the action plan and results of the gap analysis. |
2013 |
The HRS4R Process consists of five steps: The internal gap analysis process (step 1) started in October 2013. A working group was established to carry out the analysis. The working group consist of the HR Director, the Associate Dean for Research and Internationalisation, three representatives of the unions for teaching and researching staff, and the HR Planning Officer (secretary). Based on the results of the gap analysis HANKEN has developed an action plan aiming at enhancing the quality of research and at attracting the best possible candidates by making researchers' careers more attractive. The action plan, including the summary results from the gap analysis, was sent out to institutional stakeholders for comments and feedback: the Management Group, the Consultation Committee and the Heads of Department. |
2012 |
HANKEN was accepted and joined the 4th cohort in October 2012.The next phase of the HRS4R process began with a Kick-off meeting of the 4th cohort of the "Institutional HR Strategy Group" in Brussels, October 2012 and continued in April 2013 with the cohort's 1st Mutual Learning Seminar in Warsaw. |
In September 2012, the Declaration of Commitment to the Principles of the European Commission´s Recommendation The European Charter for Researchers and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researcher was issued by HANKEN. In the letter, signed by Rector Eva Liljeblom, it is stated that HANKEN's strategy and objectives are fully in line with those of the European Commission's policy aiming at making the researcher´s career more attractive and at enhancing the quality of research. |
The HR Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)
The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) is a tool to support institutions in the implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers in their human resource policies and practices. These two documents, addressed to researchers and employers, provide the key elements in creating an open and transparent labour market. The institutions implementing the Charter and Code will become more attractive to researchers looking for a new employer or for a host for their research project.While the European Charter for Researchers addresses the roles, responsibilities and entitlements of researchers and their employers and funding organisations, the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers aims to improve recruitment and make selection procedures fairer and more transparent.
The European Commission recognizes with the 'HR Excellence in Research Award' the institutions which make progress in aligning their human resources policies to the principles of the Charter & Code, based on a customized action plan/HR strategy. The logo "HR Excellence in Research" identifies institutions and organisations as providers and supporters of a stimulating and favourable working environment.
Since the adoption of the Commission Recommendation on the Charter & Code in 2005, over 1200 institutions from 35 countries have expressed their explicit support for the Charter & Code and
more than 500 have obtained the Commission's "HR Excellence in Research" badge.