Arrival and orientation

Information on deadlines for completing your Arrival data and information on the Orientation Course.

Arrival data

Fill in your Arrival data in Mobility Online as soon as you have your travel confirmed, but preferably:

by 1 August (autumn semester students)
by 1 December (spring semester students)

We need your arrival data to coordinate the pick ups.

Orientation Course

Hanken offers an orientation course for exchange students in order to make the start easier and to prepare you for academic studies and teach you the skills you need to complete your courses at Hanken.

The course comprises two parts:

  • introduction to studies at Hanken and study skills as well as life in Finland
  • academic writing and reference techniques

During the course you get familiar with the characteristics of academic studies at Hanken, the role of the student in the academic community, study techniques and the use of time as well as practicalities at the study start, like course registration, making your schedule, the facilities, and student services. You will practice academic writing and reference techniques through lectures and written assignments.

The course gives you 1 ECTS. The orientation course is mandatory. 

Information on Finland and social and cultural aspects will also be presented during the course. 


If you will arrive during the two fixed arrival dates and have requested pick up a tutor will meet you, will have the key to your apartment and will take you there.  Please note there will be no pickup during the night between 1 am and 7 am. If you arrive at the airport during the night hours (Helsinki/Vantaa airport) you will have to book a room at a hotel/hostel close to the airport or wait at the airport until the morning 7 am when a tutor will pick you up.

When the pickup plan has been finalized by the tutors (a few days before the arrival days), the tutor who will meet you will contact you about the set up, e.g. the meeting point.


  • Be sure to give us all flight (boat/train) details and your correct contact when uploading your arrival data in Mobility-Online.
  • Inform us about any changes in your travel plan! ANY changes AFTER the upload deadline (1 August/1 December) MUST be communicated in an e-mail to in order to reach us and the tutors, because we print the Mobility-Online arrival report only once after the deadline.

Key delivery in Helsinki and Vaasa

HOAS key delivery in Helsinki:

HOAS keys in Helsinki are collected by Hanken from HOAS in mid August/early January. 

In case you will arrive before mid August you must pick up your HOAS key yourself from the HOAS office during office hours, 9am-4pm, check at

Should you arrive outside office hours or a weekend we recommend that you check in at a hostel or hotel.

VOAS key delivery in Vaasa:

NB! Keys to a VOAS apartment are not given before 1.9 unless the student signs a tenancy agreement for August and pays full rent for August. 

The tutors in Vaasa will pick up the keys for you so that you get it from them.

Late arrival for Orientation

Please note that the Orientation course is mandatory at at both campuses. We accept late arrival for Orientation course in case you have some serious obstacle in arriving during the assigned days in Helsinki or Vaasa, i.e. you have exams at your home university or an internship abroad. You must contact incoming.mobility(at) as soon as you know that will arrive late for Orientation.