| Bloggar


Elektroniskt eller e-avfall är den snabbast växande avfallsströmmen globalt. Under 2019 rapporterades ett rekord på 53,6 miljoner ton globalt genererat e-avfall. Elektroniska enheter innehåller en omfattande lista över ädla metaller såväl som skadliga kemikalier; om inga förfaranden för produktåtervinning tillämpas förlorar vi knappa resurser och skapar ett negativt miljöavtryck.
An overview of the complexity, constraints, and evolution of MSF global supply chain operations – A personal decade-based opinion By Diego Flores, MSF Head of Mission and International HUMLOG Institute practitioner fellow.
Matthew Kern is a Masters student in the Humanitarian Logistics track and in this blog entry he shares his experience as a Logistics and Procurement Intern with LWF
The fifth and last blog post in the blog series is out! The blog post is written by the team representing Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. Team Los Andes was the winning team of the entire competition.
The fourth input in our blog series is out! This week, Team_WU from Vienna University of Economics and Business presents their Sars Cov2 Testing Solution in Vienna, Austria.
The third input in our blog series is out! This week, Team Houston from University of Houston, Texas presents their solution on PPE Shortage Solution in Harris County.
The second input in our blog series is out! This week, Team_QUT from Queensland University of Technology presents their solution on Electronic Waste Solution in Colombia.
Today starts a blog series including 5 articles presenting the results of the science competition organised by the Global Business School Network and the HUMLOG Institute at Hanken School of Economics: The HUMLOG Challenge. Each of the posts will be published in Friday afternoon weekly.
Read our newest blog post written by Russell Harpring, PhD Candidate at the HUMLOG Institute.
”Med denna text önskar jag dela med mig till dig, läsaren, en del av det jag lärt mig under mitt arbete för min doktorsexamen relaterat till kunder och ekosystem. Den här artikeln handlar också om ord och deras betydelse, särskilt om ord som används jämnt och vars definition vi ofta tar för givet.”