Orientation Days Programme in Helsinki

Here you can find the programme for the Orientation Days in Helsinki.
  • If you were admitted to a programme/major in Helsinki, you should attend the programme below i Helsinki.
  • If you were admitted to study in Vaasa, check out the Orientation Days programme in Vaasa.
  • Please note that changes in the programme might still occur.



LOCATION: Online on Teams

9:00 Opening of the Orientation Days and Practicalities 
9:20 This is Hanken
Eva Adlercreutz Carrero, Director for External Relations and Communication

Degree structure & studies in a nutshell
Anna Ahlskog, Study Coordinator
Jennie Bertula, Head of Study Services
Alex Thilman, Study Coordinator

10:15 BREAK
10:30 Moodle, Academic integrity and AI
Carl Hobbs, Planning Officer
11:00 Studying at Hanken - a teacher's perspective
Pia Polsa, Associate Professor in Marketing and Teacher of the Year 2022
11:20 Studying at Hanken - a student's perspective
Yuhan Shang, Duc Nquyen
11:30 LUNCH
12:30 Sustainability at Hanken & Carbon footprint 
Riina Haavisto, Social Responsibility Coordinator
12:40 IT Services
Kicka Lindroos, IT Coordinator, IT Services
13:10 IT security
Magnus Sippel, Head of IT Services
13:55 BREAK
14:10 Workshop: Study Efficiency and Motivation
Alexandra Ohls, Study Coach
- 15:30
Info regarding Swedish and Finnish language requirement within your degree for students with secondary education in Finland
Katja Peltola, University teacher in Swedish language
Marit Nilsson-Väre, lecturer in Finnish language

NOTE! only for students who completed their school education in Swedish or Finnish in Finland!

What to bring:

  • Required only of students who delivered PHYSICAL officially certified copies of their educational documents upon admission:
    • Degree certificate in ORIGINAL
    • Transcript of records in ORIGINAL
    • Possible official translations of the documents listed above
    • The documents will be collected for verification purposes and returned on Thursday
    • The students this applies to will receive an e-mail during August requesting them to bring their educational documents.
    • Note! Students whose educational documents already have been verified through a Electronic Transcript verification Service are exempted from bringing their documents.
  • If you completed your school education in Swedish or English in Finland and are unsure what requirements apply to you concerning the requirement of language proficiency in Swedish and Finnish of Personnel in Public bodies within your degree, the study counsellors can personally check your educational documents during registration. If you wish to receive this service, please bring:
    • your complete higher education educational documents in digital form e.g PDF(NOT only as OmaOpintopolku link!) - degree certificate, transcript and Diploma Supplement (if available)
  • Official ID, if you still have not collected your Hanken User ID.
    • Your own water bottle


    LOCATION: Foyer, ground floor, Hanken Main Building



    • Hand in of educational documents in original
    • Study counsellors check previous degree certificates & transcripts for students who completed their school education in Finland in Swedish or Finnish (if needed)

    LOCATION: Assembly Hall, ground floor, Hanken Main Building

    9:00 Welcome to Hanken
    Mika Gabrielsson, Dean of Education
    9:10 Welcome to the SHS Student Union of Hanken School of Economics
    Sofie Eriksson,  President of SHS
    9:40 Hanken Building ABC​ + restaurant info
    Johan Vestin, Real Estate and Services, samt Jenni Tuominen, Food&Co
    10:00 BREAK
    10:15 Programme/Major specific sessions
    A303 Finance + Finansiell ekonomi
    A304 Accounting + Redovisning
    A305 Humlog & Logistik och samhällsansvar
    A306 GCL + Handelsrätt + Intellectual Property Law
    A308 Företagsledning och organsation + Entrepenörskap och företagsledning
    A309 International Strategy and Sustainability
    A411 Marketing och Marknadsföring
    Economicum, sh 2 Economics + Nationalekonomi (Note! Meeting point: Reception at 10:10!)
    11:30 LUNCH BREAK (possibility to visit IT help desk)
    13:00 Library Services
    Sarah Hagström, Information Specialist
    13:30 International opportunities
    Emilia Hattula, International Coordinator 
    13:50 Career Services
    Henna Konsti & Julia Hellstén, Career Services 
    14:10 BREAK
    14:25 SHS Masters' Committee
    Casper Krusberg, President of the Masters' Committee

    Tutors will take their own group to different rooms

    15:20-16.20 Tour of Hanken


    What to bring:

    • Offical ID, if you handed in your original educational documents on Wednesday in order to be able to collect the documents
    • Hanken User ID
    • Your own laptop
    • Your own water bottle


    LOCATION: Aud. Futurum, basement floor

    • These sessions are aimed for students who are not from Finland.
    • Regardless of how long you have already been residing in Finland, you are very welcome to join these sessions!
    9:00 Welcome & Introductions
    Henna Konsti, Manager, Hanken International Talent
    9:15 Language studies in Swedish and Finnish
    Katja Peltola, Lecturer in Swedish, Johanna Haapala, Lecturer in Finnish
    9:45                           BREAK
    10:00 Practicalities for international students
    Linnéa Kangas, Admission Officer
    10:30  Finland in a Nutshell
    Henna Konsti, Manager, Hanken International Talent

    Hanken International Talent
    Henna Konsti, Manager, Hanken International Talent


    How to feel at home and flourish in Finland - An Alumnus' perspective
    Robin Kipfer, Alumnus



    LOCATION: Aud. A210, 2nd Floor

    11:00-11:30        Swedish language level test in the study tool Moodle
    Katja Peltola, Lecturer in Swedish




    11:45 LUNCH

    Code fo Conduct and Discrimation free zone

    Henna Konsti, Hanken's DEI representative

    13:05 Study support services (psychologist, coaching, chaplain, Unisport, Student Health Services)​

    Suomen Ekonomit/Finlands Ekonomer: The central organization for graduates and students in economics and business administration in Finland

    Elias Boman, Finlands Ekonomer

    14:05 BREAK

    Study plans and course registration

    A210 Finansiell ekonomi, Redovisning, Nationalekonomi, Handelsrätt, Marknadsföring, Logistik och samhällsansvar, Företagsledning och organisation, Entrepenörskap och företagsledning, ortsbytare
    A305 Finance, Accounting, Economics
    A411 Governance and Commercial Law, Intellectual Property Law, Marketing
    A309 International Strategy and Sustainability, Humanitarian Logistics

    15:45 BREAK
    16:00 Rector's Reception in the Foyer


    Only for students who still need support with their study plan and course registration.


    LOCATION:  Aud. A210, 2nd Floor, Main Building


    Drop in sessions with the study councellors, if you still have questions on

    • Study plans and course registration
    • Transfer of credits

    Social events


    Do not miss the social events organized by the tutors (SHS Masters’ Committee) as a part of the orientation days!

    SHS Masters’ Committee warmly welcomes all new students to a social hangout already before the Orientation Days:

    • Saturday 24.8 (afternoon)

    Save the date for social events also for the following evenings during the Orientation Days:

    • Wednesday 28.8 at 17.00->
    • Thursday 29.8 at 17.00->
    • Friday 30.8 at 17.00->

    More information and details about the events will be provided in August.

    You can also follow SHS Masters’ Committee in facebook Opens in new window and instagram: @shsmasterscommittee Opens in new window