Lär dig hantera e-boksplattformen Perlego
Biblioteket ordnar fyra webbinarier, i vilka e-boksplattformen Perlego Opens in new window , med över 800 000 e-böcker, demonstreras.
Två av webbinarierna, 22.2 och 3.3.2022, riktar sig till studenter och de övriga två, 8.3. och 10.3. till lärare. Välj det datum som passar dig bäst. Webbinarierna hålls på engelska av Perlegos egna representanter Jessica King och Alberta Fumagalli.
Om du inte redan har ett eget Perlego-konto kan du, innan webbinariet, skapa ett enligt instruktionerna här Opens in new window .
Student Webinars led by Jessica King
22 February, 15:00-15:45 (Finnish time)
3 March, 13:00-13:45 (Finnish time)
The webinars are identical in content, choose the date that suits you best.
Description: Please join this webinar hosted by Perlego, to learn how to make the most of Hanken’s subscription to the platform. Perlego allows you to have free access to over 800,000 books and includes tools like referencing, notes & highlights and downloading books for offline reading.
Join Zoom Meeting:
https://zoom.us/j/2510516002?pwd=dU1NNnVJcHNHSklMSG1RbkZ2cXpnZz09 Opens in new window
Meeting ID: 251 051 6002
Passcode: kCe7cR
Faculty Webinars led by Alberta Fumagalli
8 March, 13:00-13:45 (Finnish time)
10 March, 13:00-13:45 (Finnish time)
The webinars are identical in content, choose the date that suits you best.
Description: Please join this webinar hosted by Perlego, to learn how to leverage the books and features of Perlego as a teaching and learning resource. It’s key that faculty understand how to use the platform and can promote its use to the students! We will answer any questions you have may have too.
Zoom Meeting Link:
https://zoom.us/j/8623164430?pwd=NVJOaUFoeFQ3eVYreGhJTFQ2bGFlUT09 Opens in new window
Meeting ID: 862 316 4430
Password: 960578