Social Learning Lounge

Social Learning Lounge on Monday 12.4.2021 at 17.00-18.00.
Social Learning Lounge är ett nytt koncept för alla Hankenstuderande som vill hålla kontakt, känna sig inspirerad och varför inte: till och med få nya vänner. Temat för den första sessionen är: Let’s talk countries and cultures: *insert flag here*. Evenemanget är på engelska och alla Hankenstuderande är välkomna!

The Social Learning Lounge is a concept for all Hanken students that want to stay connected, inspired and why not: even make new friends. Through the event we want to offer exciting encounters in a time of division and isolation.

During the second Social Learning Lounge  -session on Monday 12.4.2021, we hope to learn from your international experiences as well as provide the opportunity for you to learn more about places that interest you!

At the first Social learning lounge 22.3.2021 we discussed for example our favorite local holidays worldwide and cultural shocks we have encountered. We got feedback that the discussions were interesting and “surprisingly deep“.

Sign up to the event via the form attached. We ask you to sign-up rather sooner than later, however latest on Sunday 11.4.2021. We will send the Teams-link to the event (to everyone who have signed up) on Monday morning 12.4.2021.

In the sign-up form, you can choose:
-    a place you are interested in but don’t know so well yet
-    a place you have already lived in/visited and you would like others to learn about
-    or any other place that comes to your mind while filling the form 😊

We will ask you to choose 3 different places, so that we can make sure to match you with people who share your interest.
Please note that no preparation is needed - it is a casual discussion we are talking about.

You can enjoy some fresh air while doing walk-and-talk online or join the discussion from the comfort of your home.

The event is organized by the Hanken International Talent™ team and SHS Masters´Committee.
