Hanken Finance Day 2020

Välkommen på Hanken Finance Day 17.9.2020

Hanken Finance Day 2020

Den årliga Hanken Finance Day äger rum online 17 september med temat "Factor Investing".

Programmet går på engelska. Seminariet är gratis och öppet för Hankens alumner, studenter, personal och partnerföretag.

Se på bandningen här

Programmet går på engelska. Seminariet är gratis och öppet för Hankens alumner, studenter, personal och partnerföretag.
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Välkomnande ord

Factor Investing in Practice: Diversification Benefits and Implementation Costs
Marie Brière
Head of Investor Research Center at Amundi and Affiliate Professor at Paris Dauphine University

Framework for Risk Premia Investing: Is There Anywhere to Hide?
Kari Vatanen
Chief Investment Officer at Veritas Pension Insurance Company

The foundations of factor investing
Paulo Maio
Professor of finance at Hanken School of Economics

Diskussion och frågor


Dagens talare och ämnen

Briere Marie

Marie Brière, Head of Investor Research Center at Amundi and Affiliate Professor at Paris Dauphine University

Factor Investing in Practice: Diversification Benefits and Implementation Costs

Factor investing emerged as the byproduct of factor models of asset pricing and is widely popular today among institutional investors. It consists in holding assets with positive exposure to selected risk factors and, if possible, shorting those with negative exposure. We will assess the merits of diversified portfolios of factors on the stock market by using sector investing as the benchmark. Then, we will examine the question of practical implementation. We will discuss the impact of shortselling restrictions on factor performance. Using a large database of the US institutional investors' trades, we will provide new insights on the question of factor portfolio transaction costs.

Kari Vatanen

Kari Vatanen, Chief Investment Officer at Veritas Pension Insurance Company

Framework for Risk Premia Investing: Is There Anywhere to Hide?

Alternative risk premia (ARP) strategies are traditionally assumed to diversify both equity and bond market risk. We investigate the nature and risk characteristics of commonly known investable ARP strategies using investment bank strategy data. While most of the strategies have low full sample betas to both equity and commodity markets, several strategies exhibit statistically significant positive betas to bond markets. Additionally, characteristics of most ARP strategies change in the tails of equity and bond market distributions. Consequently, we propose a framework for diversified ARP portfolio construction that uses a hierarchical risk allocation process instead of whole sample volatilities and correlations.

Paulo Maio

Paulo Maio, Professor of finance, Hanken School of Economics

The foundations of factor investing

The presentation will cover some of the recent academic research related to this topic, with emphasis on the risk-return trade-off underlying factor investing.



Hankens alumnverksamhet koordinerar evenemanget. Vid frågor, vänligen kontakta alumnkoordinator Mira Aarnivuo på alumni@hanken.fi Opens in new window