Gästföreläsning: Regenerative Designs and Interspecies Organisations

Picture of Spanish landscape Commonland
Välkommen att delta i en serie av tre online föreläsningar som ordnas av kursen "Sustainable Organising in Times of Crisis". Tredje föreläsning kommer att hållas 18.2.2021 klockan 16.00. Föreläsningarna går på engelska.

On February 18, 2021 at 4 p.m. (Finnish, Eastern European Time) we will hear from award winning science journalist and author Judith D. Schwarz (USA) and landscape manager Erica ten Broeke (NL) from the NGO Commonland.

The lecture will focus on how local grassroots movements all over the globe are involved in regenerative land practices that create healthy landscapes, thriving communities, and flourishing economies. The focus of this session is on interspecies organising processes, or on how humans together with other living beings can co-create thriving landscapes that address global environmental and climate challenges in the local sphere.

The guest lecture will be held in Teams. Registration for the event can be done here  (latest 17.2.2021). 
After this you can contact events@hanken.fi for registration. 

The participation link will be sent via e-mail to all registered participants on 18.2.2021 before the session.

About the speakers:

Judith D. Schwartz

Picture of Judith D Schwartz


Judith D. Schwartz is a journalist and author from Vermont, USA. Her work explores nature-based solutions to global environmental, economic, and social challenges. She has previously written about the vital role that cows can play in regenerating degraded lands, storing carbon in the soil, and supporting natural water cycles. Her recent book “The Reindeer Chronicles-- And Other Inspiring Stories of Working with Nature to Heal the Earth” (2020) focuses on how grassroots movements engage in landscape restoration projects all over the globe. Her examples of successful projects come from the high plateaus in China, the driest of deserts in Saudi Arabia, the Arctic landscape of Sami territories in Norway, the humid climate of Hawaii, and the arid landscapes of rural Spain. All Judith’s books transmit a sense of hope and agency in terms of how everyone can play a role in turning things around by working with land and animals in ways that helps Earth heal itself.


Erica ten Broeke

Picture of Erica ten Broeke


Erica ten Broeke is a Landscape and Project Manager at Commonland, a Dutch NGO working with communities to transform degraded landscapes into thriving ecosystems and communities. Her work focus on catalysing change through a holistic partnerships approach to landscape restoration, providing economic returns while halting desertification and erosion. She has worked directly with the AlVelAl project in Spain, which focuses on the regenerative business for almond production in the semi-arid steppe of Altiplano Estepario in the south of Spain. ​