Accounting for Sustainability seminarie: Del 6

Eija Vinnari will talk about her new research: Accounting, accountability and animals: negotiating the promises and pitfalls of quantification.
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Eija is a professor of public financial management at Tampere University. A cross-cutting theme in much of her recent research is non-human animals as a marginalized constituency. She has published for instance on counter-accounts produced by animal rights activists and the inclusion of animals in the definition of sustainability. Her other publications cover a broad range of issues including critical dialogic accounting and accountability, sustainability, and the roles of theories in accounting research. Her work has been published in Accounting, Organizations and Society; Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal; Critical Perspectives on Accounting; Financial Accountability and Management; Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics and several edited collections. Eija is Associate Editor of Critical Perspectives on Accounting and she also serves on the editorial boards of various other journals.