CERS Network

CERS also cooperates actively with other researchers and research centres, in the field of services marketing.
Our collaborators include, for example
in Finland
Elina Jaakkola, University of Turku
Ilkka Lähteenmäki, Aalto University
Hannu Saarijärvi, Tampere University
Ulla Särkikangas, University of Helsinki
in Europe
Tor W. Andreassen, NHH, Norway
Lorena Blasco, ESCP Business School, Spain
Lisa Brüggen, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Micael Dahlen, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
Bo Edvardsson, Karlstad University, Sweden
Jens Hogreve, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany
Jonas Holmqvist, Kedge Business School, France
Carol Kelleher University College Cork, Ireland
Volker Kuppelwieser, NEOMA Business School, Germany
Per Kristensson, Karlstad University, Sweden
Bart Larivière, KU Leuven, Belgium
Cristina Mele, University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy
Line Lervik-Olsen, Norwegian Business School, Norway
Lia Patricio, University of Porto, Portugal
Per Skålen, Karlstad University, Sweden
Bård Tronvoll, Inland University of Applied Sciences, Norway
Allard van Riel, Hasselt University, Belgium
Francisco Villaroel Ordenes, Luiss University, Italy
Lars Witell, Linköping University, Sweden
in the Americas
Linda Alkire, Texas State University, USA
Lerzan Aksoy, Fordham University's Gabelli School of Business, USA
Mary Jo Bitner, Arizona State University, USA
Ray Fisk, Texas State University, USA
Andrew Gallan, Florida Atlantic University, USA
Sertan Kabadayi, Fordham University, USA
Timothy Keiningham, St. John’s University, USA
Werner Kunz, University of Massachusetts, USA
Leyland Pitt, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Javier Reynoso, EGADE Business School, Monterrey, Mexico
Manjit Yadav, Texas A&M University, USA
in Asia and Australasia
Tom Chen, Newcastle Business School, Australia
Jörg Finsterwalder, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Jochen Wirtz, National University of Singapore
Rebekah Russell-Bennett, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Sven Tuzovic, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
in Africa
Ogechi Adeola, Lagos Business School, Nigeria
Christo Boshoff, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
and the research communities
CTF Service Research Center, Karlstad University, Sweden
Service Science Factory, Maastricht University, Netherlands
Center for Services Leadership (CSL), the W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, USA
Service research community Servsig
A list of CERS researchers with some words of their research areas you will find here, and our current visitors are here.
Would you like to be a part of CERS network?
Contact CERS Director Johanna Gummerus: johanna.gummerus(at)hanken.fi
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CERS on LinkedIn: CERS Hanken
CERS on Twitter: @CERS_Hanken