Gästföreläsning: Value Investing: The 3Ws – Who, What and Why?

Hanken i Vasa, auditorium 142
Gästföreläsning av George Athanassakos, Professor of Finance, Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario, CANADA.

Gästföreläsningen hålls på engelska.

George Athanassakos

Dr. George Athanassakos is a Professor of Finance and the Ben Graham Chair in Value Investing at Ivey Business School, which he joined in July 2004. He is also the Founder & Director of The Ben Graham Centre for Value Investing. Prior to joining Ivey, Dr. Athanassakos spent a number of years in various research-related positions with banking and trust companies in Canada and Greece, and taught at York University and Wilfrid Laurier University, where he was Professor of Finance and Founder & Director of Laurier's Financial Planning Program. He has a BA in Economics and Business Administration from The School of Industrial Studies of Thessalonica, Greece, and an MA in Economics, an MBA and a PhD in Finance from York University. The Financial Planning Standards Council has bestowed Dr. Athanassakos with the Fellow of FPSC™ distinction for his outstanding contribution to furthering FPSC's mission and for advancing the financial planning profession. Dr. Athanassakos has been ranked among the top 10 researchers in Canada by research published in Financial Management and among the top 10 Canadian professors by the Globe and Mail.

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