Application Newsletter and Contact Information

Glada studenter vid Hanken
Do you have any questions related to applying and gaining admission to Hanken? Sign up for our Applicant Newsletter below to the latest updates on applying, and contact the Admission Services to receive answers to your inquiries !

Contact us

You reach the Hanken Admission Services best via e-mail:

Our Phone Service is open Mondays 10:00-12:00 and Thursdays 13:00-15:00 (GMT +2): +358 40 35 21 388. The Phone Service is also open on July 7 from 10:00-12:00.


You can also reach us via Whatsapp chat in short matters through the phone number listed above during phone service hours.

Note! Please only submit your question through one means of communication in order to decrease the work of the Customer Services.


Sign up for our Application Newsletter

Keep yourself up to date about the admissions process by subscribing to our Application Newsletter!