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Doktorand Pekka Buttler disputerar i ämnet företagsledning och organisation med avhandlingen "Project concepts, project concept design, and other topics affecting the front-end of projects".
Master's Open House 2022

Are you interested in obtaining a Master's degree in Economics and Business Administration? A Master’s degree from Hanken gives you the opportunity to specialise in your field of interest, be it Economics, Finance, Accounting, Management, Marketing, Humanitarian logistics, or even IP Law.

Doktorand Ecaterina Vozian disputerar i ämnet nationalekonomi med avhandlingen "Understanding financial stability: climate-related considerations and financial markets operations".
Ta del av den största virtuella karriärmässan i år!
Detta evenemang ordnas på engelska.

The aim of the unicorn night is to bring together cutting-edge research, companies and public actors with regards to the unicorn phenomena. Key topics will involve the development of the ecosystem, as well as the identification and growth of unicorn companies. During the night Silicon Vikings Pitch Grand Finals will take place, where the best startups/scaleups of the Nordic countries will compete against each other.
Doktorand Sebastian Schauman disputerar i ämnet marknadsföring med avhandlingen "Meaningfulness and the Significance of Things - An Exploration of Meaningful Consumer-Object Relations".
Hanken erbjuder ett växande utbud MOOCar (Massive Open Online Course) – globalt tillgängliga kurser öppna för alla.
En ny seminarieserie organiserad av Institutionen för redovisning och handelsrätt.
Doktorand Alexis Stevenson disputerar i ämnet Economics med avhandlingen "Essays on the Economics of Patents Measuring the value of patents using renewal information".
Virva Tuomala, Anna Aminoff, Gyöngyi Kovács and Helleke Heikkinen from the subject Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility at Hanken School of Economics were awarded for their papers at the NOFOMA conference in Iceland.