Virtuell karriärmässa för nordiska handelshögskolor

Delta i den virtuella karriärmässan som fokuserar på profiler från nordiska handelshögskolor!

Förutom Hanken är bl.a. Lunds University, Copenhagen Business School, Aarhus University och BI Business School från Norge med på mässan. Detta är ett ypperligt tillfälle för dig att få kontakt med företag som är intresserade av nordiska talanger! 

About Nordic Business Virtual Career Fair

The Nordic Business VCF is an all-online event for all students and graduates from Nordic universities.

The event will include companies from all over the Nordic countries but also other international employers. All of them are interested in candidates from Nordic business schools and they want to get in contact with you! 

You will meet recruiters and hiring managers online, leaving you with unique insight into their offerings in order to tailor your application process the best way possible. 
You will also be able to meet young professionals already working at the company to get the first-hand experience in a career at the specific employer. 

How a Virtual Career Fair works

Is this your 1st Virtual Career Fair and you are not quite sure what to do? No problem - we'll take you through the process step-by-step:

  1. You let us know you'd like to attend by clicking the registration button. The phone number we ask you to provide will only be used to send you a reminder SMS on the day of the fair.
  2. All registered users get an email confirmation that includes a calendar invite.
  3. On the day of the fair, you will be matched with employers that have relevant jobs for you based on the info on your profile Opens in new window  - so make sure to update your background information and preferences before attending on October 31st, 2018.
  4. To make sure you get the most out of the Virtual Career Fair, we have a lot of preparation materialTake a look!
  5. We'll send you a reminder shortly before the fair - on the day itself, you can just log into the virtual venue from your desktop, tablet or mobile and start chatting.

Need support?

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