Hanken HIT Workshop: Building successful and effective talent management programs

Join our workshop to network, learn and get insights at your future talent program or make your own program run faster!

Time: 9:00-12:00.

This workshop is aimed at higher education institution career services professionals. HankenHIT initiative is a part of intercity and inter-university project aimed at experiments to promote international recruitment and retention in Helsinki Capital region.


  • Hanken International Talent program process overview
  • HankenHIT: from business case to evaluating impact
  • Building relationships with companies: from strategy to tactics
  • Allies in recognising diverse quality talent
  • Seing is believing: role models in leading international recruitment, diversity and inclusion
  • Ways ahead: challenges and opportunities

Panel discussion:

Building better and lasting bridges - International students, employers, diversity and inclusion experts

Engage with us:

#hankenHIT #internationalstudents #talentboost



Speakers HIT Workshop at Hanken